How's The Last Trimester Treating Everyone?



  • 37+1... exhausted, really sore- especially in the hips, horrible heartburn. Lol. But I'm trying to enjoy these last 20 (+/-) days until I get to meet her, just in case we don't have any more...
    Oh, and I actually dislocated my tailbone giving birth to my first daughter, @Mommy_Num2 , so it doesn't sound weird at all to me; she was 9 1/4lbs... :/
  • Hot tired and miserable!!!
  • Well I'm 37 weeks and 3 days today and I'm miserable I have a doc app today and he may induce me but still not sure, I'm in pain and I haven't gotten any sleep in the past 3 days maybe 2-3 hours a night and I feel like I've been hit by a huge train. And just ready to hold my babygirl in my arms :)
  • Didn't mean to scare the ladies that haven't reached those final weeks, sorry :) Slight chances, you may be one of the rare, but lucky women that'll get away with the misery LOL.

    Anyone's significant other getting tired of coming home and there be no dinner? I think my husband is officially disgusted by all fast-food.
  • Tired, Moody, cleaning every 5 seconds after my man, I just can't wait until our vacation next week. The only upside.
  • Stressed out today only 8 weeks to go and still to many unkowns for this ocd manic planner over here. Not to help today I am pretty sure our only car died. Taxi to the hospital I guess?
  • @YAYA I planned a much needed vacation, rented a nice cabin, planned some fishing, invited a few in laws. The WORST idea ever! I was uncomfortable, tired and swollen the entire time. I started seeing myself get fussy, like a baby.

    Packing and unpacking for the trip was hell! LOL!
  • Lol we're going to Hawaii and my in laws are coming as well. And I'm not to excited about packing I'm actually dreading it.
  • @mommy_num2 I totally know how u feel!! I live in AZ too and I am always hot and tired because of the heat! I'm on bed rest so I lie in front of the fan most of the day. But it is absolutely miserable being 35 weeks pregnant and its 110 plus out. I have to go to the dr three times a week for monitoring and it literarally feels like a hair dryer or oven when I get in the car! I'm just so over being pregnant!!
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