Due in aug & just can't wait



  • Its not a good thing having a huge stomach I, can't see my feet are you due in augs too?
  • I beat all odds and got pregnant and its a miracle that i have stayed pregnant...my oldest son is 17 my other one is 4..would really love a girl this time.. this is absolutly the last i have no choice but to get a full hysterectomy after this one. I went to high risk ob yesterday found out that i am not 10 wks I am at least 14 weeks which would explain why i am in maternity clothes..
    My bf and i have only been together for 6 mos..so its been stressful..due aug 21
  • I'm due aug 23 and that's also my 22nd birthday I'm so happy I can't wait to the my bundle of joy. This will be my second I already have my prince and I so badly want this to be my little girl
  • edited February 2011
    Awwww congrat girls @thesecondandmylast @tracitini this one is my last too :X
  • I'm due aug 3rd can't wait its gonna be one hell of an adventure
  • @pooh22 congrats I kno it is gonna be one big adventure for me aftet 6yrs :) ....
  • My first 2 boys are 13 yrs apart..only 4.5 yrs between last one and this miracle baby..
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