Eff it

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Some people r just negative. They either take something small and blow it up into drama, or take a little thought or concern and bash someone to create drama. its seriously like high school in a forum. But if i say that i cheated on my boyfriend, or beat the crap outta him or have some rare desease that isnt real, watch out, ill get prayers and pregly "bffs". wow!


  • Where are you from?? Will it be snowing heavily in october or november? I think it is a tad early but that's just me.. my baby shower is this Saturday I'll be 35 weeks lol.. I think 30 weeks is a good time though
  • when in September? if you do it at the end of September it will almost be October....:/
  • I think October would be best. Maybe try a "halloween" themed shower or something and anyone with kids can bring them dressed up like a costume party. i would september sounds early. but i agree, once thanksgiving is close you'll have a hard time catching people.
  • I think its a little too soon honestly. Mine is in September and I'm due in October.
  • I had a friend who was due at Christmas and she had her shower mid sept and if felt way too soon. She wasn't very big, she got a ton of summer clothes because a lot of winter stuff wasn't out or on sale and she had an empty nursery set up for ages! I'd wait until the end of Oct, beginning of Nov.
  • edited July 2011
    its already set for the 10th which wasnt my planning, i think its a little soon, but my best friend is driving 12 hours.i dont wanna have her driving closer to winter, i dont wanna wait til late october, still need stuff, and be out driving in the snow pregnant because it wasnt planned on time.
    @Lily_glz @beatrice1436 @survivormommie3 @excitedforoctober
  • I personally think it should be way later than that. what state do you live in?
  • @survivormommie3 i live in washington and i agree, but the shortest drive for my family is 3 hours over a pass, and yes, late october the pass will have lots of snow. Plus, my family is by no means rich and taking a trip 1-2 months before xmas is not gonna happen.
  • Lol, well if its already set, you don't need our opinions. Its early, but if you don't care, then who cares! Good luck!
  • Lol, there's no drama. You just wanted us to agree with you and we didn't. I'm sure if you leave the post up, you'll get some girls who are having early showers too.
  • I'm confused.
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  • @lmelanson I think she had an original post about an early shower, got some responses she considered negative, then changed her original post? Weird.
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  • Its chiz like this that makes my noggin hurt. Im going to bed..
  • Well as long as you know the gender of your babe it might be cheaper too, for clothes and stuff! Because you know sometimes stores will mark down winter clothes in the summer! :) so maybe early is good!
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