October Mommies- Weight Gain

How much weight have you October Mama's gained? My last appt was last Wednesday and I have gained a total of 11lbs! I thought it was less :-( My doctor said it was normal, but I just want to compare... :)


  • I lost at the beginning, so I've gain 4 lbs total, but 2 of those were this month.
  • I've gained 15. Anything for my baby!
  • @laura536 I lost a few in the beginning as well which I think made me think I had the ok to stuff my face...now I regret it! But as long as baby is healthy I'm not gonna worry

    @mmomma1013 Great motto :)
  • I had an appointment 3 weeks ago and then an appointment last Friday and at each of them I was -1 from pre pregnancy
  • @mschop Wow! did you have alot of morning sickness?
  • I *think* my morning sickness is finally gone, so I bet by my next appt I'll be packing them on, lol!
  • I was down 16 and am up 8. I'll probably break even by the time I pop lol
  • @ExcitedForOctober- omg you are doing good, I've already gained 20lbs :-((
  • Dont feel bad @JuliansMommy ive gained abt 20lbs myself :) but my dr said im ok so im happy! Dang can October come tomorrow?
  • I'm 24+2 and up 8-10 lbs (it fluctuates). It just keeps coming on...I give up ;)
  • @JuliansMommy See when my doctor told me I gained 10lbs she said "I'm not too worried" so I don't know if she meant it was too little weight gain or too much? And I was scared to ask like a mensa lol...I was just panicking bcuz before I got pregnant I had put on like 10lbs, but like they say its all for babys good! :)
  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 Lol, and its gonna keep on coming! :-D

  • I got you all beat! Haha I have gained 30! Yikes!!!!
  • I have gained 34lbs ..n
  • No, no real morning sickness. Just moved into our place, stayed with boyfriends mom for a while who would get mad if anyone else cooked, but she cooked everything with tons of butter and salt. So pretty much just started eating healthier. I'm getting rounder just not gaining, doctor doesn't mind so I don't eather
  • I have gained about 15lbs. I am 27wks today. Is is Oct yet hehe
  • Wow October mamas we are spread out on the scales! Everybodys body is different. I'm just scared bcuz I have hypothyroidism which makes it VERY hard for me to lose any weight I gain...but yet here I am leaving Jewel with red velvet cake mix! Lol!
  • I lost 20 lbs in the beginning and haven't gained anything at all starting to get a little worried
  • My last appointment was 4 weeks ago at 24 weeks, and I was up 11 lbs total over the pregnancy. I have an appointment on Thursday, so I'm thinking that number is at about 15 or 16 now.
  • I've lost 24 lbs from pre pregnancy,I had morning sickness everyday till 21 weeks had an appt today and Dr said need to monitor my weight and he's concerned because even tho I'm losing my baby is measuring 4 weeks ahead..so i have an ultrasound Thursday.
  • @Heibes thats exactly how much I had gained at 24 weeks

    @mommaof2_bbylove Wow, well as long as baby is healthy and growing properly it shouldn't be a worry :)

    @sabrina has ur doctor expressed worry?
  • I'm 26 weeks started plus size at a 16/18 now gained 16lbs. Doctor said I'm doing great. ;)
  • edited July 2011
    @FiRstTiMeOcT_mOm - I know I wish Oct was around the corner but it's not:( I just want to hop on my elliptical full force...lmao
  • are anyone elses thighs and butt getting bigger? lol I feel like all my weight I gain in going straight to my thighs and butt and now I cant even get a pair of maternity shorts up over my hips!!
  • I've gained 9 as of last week, 28 weeks pregnant
  • Im 24_6 & I gained 3 lbs..all baby.
  • @newmomma15 YES! I feel like all those 11lbs I've gained have gone only to my thighs and legs...I'm even starting to get above the knee fat! :O What the hell!!!
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  • Mommy_of_two I feel bigger too, I think I may have started to waddle a bit too bcuz my belly is so big!
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