Need some opinions

edited February 2011 in September 2011
This is my third pregnancy and I'm wondering if maybe its a boy. I had really bad morning sickness with both of my previous pregnancies and they were both girls. I'm having no morning sickness and feel great with this one. Could it be a boy?


  • Sorry to say I'm preggers with 3rd and I've never had morning sickness, my 2 are both girls but I don't know what this is x x
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  • Unless you plan to do the ultrsound for the sex, then leave this one as the ultimate surprise.
  • Ok guys thanks:)
  • My mom was so sick with me and my sister that she was hospitalized. With my little brother she wasn't sick at all. So it is possible but you can never be so sure about that.
  • Not always true lol this is my first its a boy and im 28 wks and still throwing up every other day. Morning sickness has een kicking my butt!
  • I was great with my boy, very sick with both my girls.. So I don't know if thats real clue but how it was for me :} Old wives tale is your sicker with girls, because they are takeing their mothers beauty
  • Im having a girl and I barely had any morning sickness. Like mama_kat said every pregnancy is different.
  • @Kmose77 I heard an opposite old wives' tale: boys make you sicker bc only men cause that many problems from the start! Lol. I read sickness has nothing to do with gender though. :)
  • @kmose77 lol that's pretty funny and could explain so much!
  • Yeah that is really funny:) It would explain alot about men lol
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