weight gain.....

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
How much weight did you gain during the first trimester? And what was your total weight gain? Just curious if I'm on the right track..I'm 10 weeks and 4 days. But my jeans are already getting tight. I'VE GAINED 10 lbs since October.( my wedding)


  • My doc said like 4 lbs a month is normal. I've also gained 10lbs since Oct lol. I'm 8 weeks.
  • Im 18 weeks and I've gained about 12, most of the weight came in the first 14 weeks or so, prob gained about 2 pounds in the last few weeks
  • I've lost 3lbs since becoming prego..almost 9 weeks. My doc said its normal in the beggining,but goodness,I only weigh 95 lbs!!!
  • I've gained one pound and am 10 weeks
  • lve gained 6 lbs so far. Im 20 weeks.
  • I have gained quite a bit. The lady at WIC has gotten after me, but...you cant even really tell ive gained! It's so weird. It's mostly in my boobs though...and my stomach area, even though you really cant even tell im preggo?!?!!
  • Ive gained 5lbs so far... mines is in my chest and my tummy. im 9weeks, 3 days today. I had an ultrasound today and saw my baby's head, heartbeat, arms and feet... beautiful...
  • I've ganed 1 pound 11 w 5 d. I'm nice and fluffy already though so I think it's ok if I don't gain alot. I can't fasten my pants either and haven't been able to for weeks. Thank goodness for my bella band! :)
  • Haha. When I was 8 months with my son. I gained 10 lbs in a WEEK! She double checked a few times to make sure it was right. I wanted to cry
  • I'm 28 wks and I only gained 7-10lbs so far :/ doc said it was fine, but idk, but he's the doc
  • edited February 2011
    Your supposed to gain 25 - 30 lbs on average for the whole pregnancy. But, the smaller you are before you get prego the more weight your supposed to gain (according to the folder my doc gave me). Good luck and happy cravings. I only gained 20 with my first and I've only gained 2 lbs this time and I'm 22 weeks
  • I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow & I've gained about a pound & a half. I'm so bloated though that I feel like I look about 5 months! I didn't expect to look so pregnant so early!!!
  • @DawnwaarsBaby I had a US yesterday and I'm 9 weeks now, 4 days too!!!!! And I'm happy ive list four lbs (I'm overweight and was concerned about gaining too much)
  • @manumittere... congratulations on our shared due date. Christmas was a good time for us both, prego sista :)
  • Im 33 weeks and I have gained 24 pounds so far:-) as long as my baby is healthy I'm not worried too much about weight gain. Congrats to all and best wishes;-)
  • I'm 10w4d and I've lost around 7 pounds. I'm sure it'll pack on later.
  • Ohp! Nevermind, I forgot about the heavy belt I wasen't wearing last time I weighed my self. I've lost closer to 3-4 pounds.
  • I'm 10 Weeks 5 Days Gained 5 Pounds !
  • I'm 13 weeks and 1 day and have gained a total of 8lbs. :( it's makes me sad but it has to happen... I'm pretty active though. I still go to the gym and do at least an hour of cardio..
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