Plz stop saying how small I am!

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
Im 28wks 3days now and also very pettite even though ive gained 10 pounds so far I only weigh 107lbs which my doctor does not seem concerned about and my baby weighs a healthy 3lbs. Anyways im so tired of other women saying how small I am and judging me saying my baby will be under weight and asking me if I eat cuz lord knows I never miss a meal. Every women is different in pregnancy esp when it comea to how ur body is built. Is anyone else goin thru the same thing and what should I say when they say these rude comments to me. Thx ladies!


  • I kno I kno....i hate that I. 8 ,months look like 5/6 months and I get the " are u starving yaself? Or your so small for 8 months " it suck but as @blueberrysmom would.say....PUNCH THEM IN THE.THROAT AND RUN :ar!
  • Your right everyone is different. Everyone thinks I'm due next month because my stomach is sooo big. But I'm always saying, with a fake smile, no I'm due in Oct. Immediately I start hearing, oh is it twins, Lord that baby is big, are you sure? Ugh it really gets on my nerve.
  • i wish i looked small i still have 13+6 wks to go.. not due till oct .. and everyone keeps asking me if im going to popp.. ugh.. yes i know im huge.. why dont you just come out and say it.. dam!!! im like no i still have like three months.. and they always have this astonished look on there face along with a.. wow.. i thought you were much further.. ive gained 25lbs so .. im not happy about it
  • Ppl always got some dumb ish to say!!! Man first of all were pregnant, horomonal and sensitive! ! What makes someone think its ok to say rude out of line things esp to a pregnant woman?!?!? Ppl say I'm big too and it gets on my nerves! ! I think some ppl try n be funny not realizing their dumb asses are being rude as HELL!!! UGHHHHH
  • On my way to the doctor 2w ago. A woman asked when I was due I told her in Sept. And she said"your tiny" and she put her hands together for a damn visual. Like omg really? I even asked the nurse if I looked small,she said "no not at all,I'm right on track"
  • Im due in oct also. Yes I wish some women would keep their comments to themselves when they have nothing positive to say. Cuz when it comes to a women and her pregnancy or her baby its wise not to upset her unless u want I rude comment back
  • I'm also not due til October....and all I hear is...."everytime I see u! You just get bigger and bigger...and" Omg.....
  • @mommyof3tobe i know .. even family members are insensitive.. my sister had the nerve to say how huge my ass was.. and i was 22wks prego.. shes not prego and i was only weighing like 5lbs more than her at the time.. i wanted to tell her something but.. im not like that.. she actually lost alot of weight and im proud of her for that.. but shes a terd when it comes to me.. especially my wieght.. i lost weight and she tells me i have no boobs or ass.. i gain some and all of the sudden im a whale.. ugh.. some people..
  • @lae3 But ur preggo!! I have a niece like that, girl she something else!! She always got something to say about ppls weight. Family don't get on my nerves as much as non-fam though. Just go off on her and tell her to shut up!! Lmbo, that's what I'd do.
  • @fashion_junky91 haaa I love the punch in the throat idea!!! I should use it on some ppl! Lol
  • Would you rather have them tell you how huge you are? We as women never seem to be happy with what others say. Who cares?! Thats my motto.
  • @Ashley17 girl I'd be glad to be small! I do have some friends n fam that are sensitive about their being small so I see where ur coming from!! Ur doc is fine with ur weight and sounds like ur baby is really healthy! So everyone can kick rocks or get punched n the throat! ! Lol when I was at 28wks a couple wks ago I had only gained 11lbs so far too!!! :-). My starting weight was 140ish though. Its ok. Atleast u won't have to lose weight! I'm gonna need to get a major workout plan going! ! Lmbo I wana lose about 30.
  • Lol yup and remember when ur small the less weight u have to lose after pregnancy if the baby is healthy then heck who cares @ashley17
  • Lol yup and remember when ur small the less weight u have to lose after pregnancy if the baby is healthy then heck who cares @ashley17
  • Lol yup and remember when ur small the less weight u have to lose after pregnancy if the baby is healthy then heck who cares @ashley17
  • I kno tha feeling its annoying cus I'm 34 weeks &look lyk I'm 5months. I'm very tiny &I always get those comment. Ughh. I'm right on track, &My doc tld me if they say I'm small for my size he said for me to tell them yu jus fat ! Lol. My doc says that funny shit :)
  • @ashley17 I know what you mean. That's all I hear is how small I am. My Dr says my weight is great and I'm measuring right on track. My MIL is always questioning me about It. I just want to tell her to shut up. I was a small person to start with. I only have 4 weeks and 2 days left. So I won't have to hear it much longer.
  • I get that a lot too, but I have a long torso, so baby has more room to stretch up, instead of going out. My oldest weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and even at 9 months I could hide my belly by wearing a sweatshirt and no one could tell I was pregnant.
  • I'm 8 months and look like 5 maybe 6 months and people tell me all the time!"your so small" when to me I'm big I've never been this big in my life so I feel huge. I use to weigh 114lbs now I'm 146lbs as of the 5th.
  • I am 31 weeks and just the other day I had a lady ask me if my baby had something wrong because I am way to small. Sry I was little befor I got preg... I went from 112 to 138...
  • I've gained 9lbs in 32 weeks and people say the same ab me
  • If you don't want to be rude in return just smile and say "thanks for your concern but my doctor thinks WE are just fine"
  • about a month ago this girl at work said she can't wait until I get fat my, response was sorry I am 7 months pregnant and u r bigger than me :-)
  • Thanks for the comments I feel so much better now. I know I shouldnt care what they say as far as me prefering they tell me how huge I am.. No I wish they would just not say nething at all instead of assuming im trying to stay small and starve my baby or something.
  • I'm pregnant with my third, with my first I was huge! Had so much water, put on so much Weight an everyone told me about it aswel! An my daughter was born wk early weighing 6lbs11oz. So not big at all even tho everyone told me I was gunna have a wopper! With my second girl I Literally had a tiny little bump, didn't put any weight on, an got told all the time how small I was, midwife sent me to the hospital for scans all the time Cause I measured small, but a day before I was due I had my little girl an she weighed 6lbs12oz! Now with my third I'm measuring big an put a lot of weight on, mainly cause I've got a sweet tooth with this babba! Lol but I feel with no matter how u carry during your pregnancy everybody has an opion of the way u look, an how big ur bump is etc, as long as u no ur eatting right then ignore the belly watchers!! Lol x
  • Ohhhhh man that shit pisses me off. I'm at work today and this lady repeats you're so tiny! Like four freaking times and I'm like yup have a nice day luke get thw fuck outt! My line before I tell u off u don't see me when I'm naked my uniform hides the baby you stupid..... oooo she pissed me off. Hun I'm 4'11" and was 96 pre pregnancy and am now 116 and they're still trtingto tell me I'm small when my doc measures the baby is two weeks bigger than normal and I feel like a whale. Lol I try not to let it get to me nut sometimes I just wanna ask are u the one pregnant? Bc it doesn't look like you've ever been my size and had to go thru this. The size u are u probably never showed. grrrrrrr!lol sry im done ranting on ur thread now. Oh and I'm 26 weeks tommorrow
  • i no how u feel im 9 months and look like 6 months evrytime they ask me how far along i am i tell them 9 months and the look at me like im crazy! i just feel like lying and telling them im 6 months soo they wont look at me like im crazy lol
  • @ashley17 I kno da, feeling im seven months, due in oct and it look like, im five months pregnant. I only weigh 110 pounds. But my doc act like its, normal so im not gon stress bout it
  • I am 35 weeks prego I've gained 22lbs so far.. my sister calls me fatass.. I could care less! Lol I was waaaay bigger with my son so idc.. I remember with my first my brother was like daaaaamn you're huge! I replied "yes I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?" Lol. He was chunky back then, that shut him up
  • Ive gained 18lbs at 31 weeks and my baby weighs 5lbs... 5lbs... as long as the baby is healthy, thats all that matters...
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