Hope after mc

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Today was our first ultrasound at 7 weeks and 3 days. On Halloween of last year we miscarried and I had a terrible time of it and was ill for months afterward (due to lack of care at our local hospital I hemorraged for over 8 hours). This is my fourth pregnancy. My first was my daughter who turned fourteen last year and the second was a mc soon after her. I didn't try again until last year so you can imagine how devistating last year was.

Todays ultrasound was emotional because the Dr believes that this time around everything looks great and I have nothing to worry about, but its almost as if I am afraid that if I don't worry the emotional crash will be a lot worse if we were to mc again. Does anyone know what I mean or feel how I feel?


  • Yes i can kind of relate. This time last year i was pregnant and had a miscarriage at nine weeks. It absolutely killed me. I just recently found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and i am a nervous wreck. They say everything seems fin. All you can is hope for the best and just relax and not stress as hard as it is not to. You just have to think positive and everything will be okay. =P~
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