I felt sick after I finnished clomid as well I took it from dec 6-16th I didn't ovulate till dec 26th but I really felt preggo like right away my nipples felt like there was a needle going strait through them and I had the same pain with my first but I took a blood test on the 3rd of January and it was negative but I was preggo idk maybe my hcg level was too low but the test said -0 so I really don't know but by the 18-19th of January I started to get nausea and felt like every smell made me sick and I gaged everytime I brushed my teeth and I had taken provera and no af so I took a mother home test a dollar one and it was a bfp I was so happy good luck mama! Lotz of baby dust ★★★★★★★★★
i always knew ... waited for my period to not come then took the test.. i always knew within a wk.. just weird.. im praying you get at least one.. cant be choosy.. lol.. and if your a first timer you dont have a clue what your in for.. lol.. and i couldnt immagine having two at once..
Sometimes you make your body have symptoms. Thats what happened to me the first month of trying! I had every symptom but I wasn't pregnant. Maybe stop focusing on wanting twins, the gift of one is better then none! Do twins run in your moms family? I heard that eating yams can increase chance of twins!
Maybe stop focusing on wanting twins, the gift of one is better then none! Do twins run in your moms family? I heard that eating yams can increase chance of twins!