BabyShower Update

edited July 2011 in Baby showers
Had My Babyshower Saturday & It Was Somewhat Great Even Thou I Got Nothing Off My Registry My Living Room Is Filled With Gifts So I Cant Walk Through Got Everything I Needed Except Bottles & A Stroller But U Can Get That Myself & All Of My Guest Came Except Maybe 5- 10 People But It Didnt Matter Bcus 60-75 Others Were There =D>


  • Cool! :ar! How was the food?
  • Omg It Was To D I E For We Had Shrimp Like Rice, Pasta Salad, Devil Eggs, Meatballs, Nacho Dip, Wings, Baked Beans && 2 Fruit Trays
  • Yummy! I LOVE deviled eggs! Glad you had a great time!
  • Yumm wings!! Glad you had a great shower
  • Thanks Ladies
  • I NEVER understand why people get you gifts that are not on your registry. Do they think we make our registry and take all that time for NOTHING?? Ugh gets me so mad lol...but glad you still got alot of things and had a good babyshower!
  • Lol I Know Right Thanks
  • Well at least you got start and your food choice sounds great! !!
  • Yea, im one of those folks... I never get anything off the registry, just what I want to get for baby or see baby in... Thats funny... I thought I was the only one like that... Instead of a diaper genie, ill buy 60.00 in bob marley onesies and baby boots... or pink pea coats. Thats why im not registering... It does take alot of time and people get what they want. Im glad u got good stuff though...
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