who's having a baby shower this saturday??? *update*



  • @jellybelly1015 awww ur cake is soooooo cute, luv it :) it must of cost alot? thats really creative hun.
  • @jellybelly1015 have a good shower hun :)
  • Mine is tomorrow, I can't wait!!
  • @starrxoxo9 good luck with ur shower. im excited for all of us. its such a gloomy day n my shower is at a park. ughhh n all this week it was so hot n warm.
  • I know its gloomy here too, I hope tomorrow is better.
  • @starrxoxo9 where r u from??? hope itll be a nice day for u.
  • I'm in buffalo, ny. You?
  • Hope ya'll's showers went awesome!
  • So went well over all. We asked for no clothes (saying how everyone in our families and friends had girls and we had no shortage of clothes) and registered for a lot of practical things like bottles, diapers, crib sheets, waterproof protector, bottles brushes and what not. So of course we got about a thousand dollars worth of clothes all new and nothing we actually needed. So we have a lot more preparation to go and sadly too many clothes to deal with. Of course no gift receipts... That would have been helpful lol! We did onsie decorating and my SIL's monster decided to mess a few up bc his didn't turn out right, so some hurt feelings there with the ones he messed up. Cake was awesome, friend of mine works at bakery, so got it real cheap or we could not have done it! My mom and BF were lifesavers, they got us glass bottles and swaddlers respectively so that will come in handy! Oh, and my aunt paid for our 4D ultrasound session, and we were going to play the video at the shower, but that went missing at the last second. When I had double checked it was in the box with the pictures right when we got to the shower.... So yeah... Don't know how that let itself out of the box and walked away from underneath the pictures, but somehow it did. I kept a smile on my face the whole time and only almost lost it when hubby decided he wanted to tell everyone the baby name. I wasn't ready (still not!). But now everyone knows, Rileigh Janelle Maria. Of course mil had been accusing me of telling everyone but her the whole time and lying about it, but with everyone's shocked reactions she finally realized I wasn't lying, so overall success of a day!
    @msthompson34 how did your day go? :)
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