3 Words to describe how u got pregnant!! ;)



  • Completely planned baby.
  • @socalMOMMA2boy those will be my 3 words I will be using in a few yrs. Lol! My sons name is Aiden.
  • 1. He
    2. Was
    3. Good

    Unfortunately. lol. I had my birth control pills ready to start, and I was planning to break up with him sometime in January. But I had just gotten my first tattoo, I was horny, and he was always good in bed. SO... hello, little missy! I love my baby girl, though, so I'm not complaining too much. Just wish it was my soldier and not him. =/
  • Allergic to latex

    Lol, yeah we didn't have any latex free ones we usually use those and ive been on and off birth control so it wasnt very effective lol
    But i wouldnt take anything back!
    Felt my first kick at 22 wks n 2 days<3
    And its a girl! :)
  • @newflmom2b and you so will want somebody for him. I can't wait to see aden hold his brother. Your lil aiden is so cute and tiny love it I can't believe I will have another one here in a few weeks.
  • we're sex addicts

    LoL 4 yrs together and always keep it exciting
  • Brand

    .....you now how it is in the beginning (;
  • got-too-good ;-) the sex just was sooo good and bf just was too happy lol
  • God blessed us :D
  • Only condoms work....

    in 2007 I had gotten preggo when the condom broke...but had a miscarriage 2 months later....so when my husband n I were trying for six months n nothing was happening we tried using a condom and what do u know I'm pregnant...lol so condoms don't prevent pregnancy for me they help pregnancy...my little guy is due sept 6th and I can't wait til he gets here...
  • Didn't


  • LOL @sissylala... oh that's fantastic! :D


    it was a tuesday... warcraft servers were down for some extended maintenance. 8-> Very romantic.
  • @waasae... Hehe, why thank ya!
  • @sissylala lmao, omg! IK,R?! xD

    @waasae omg, perfect. xD I miss playing WoW... But I haven't had the money for game time since November. :(
  • Four
    Anniversary (of when we got married, to the day)

    We werent really trying, but we didnt do anything to prevent it either lol
  • Doggy

    We have 2 other kids... So got take it when and how we can get it! Lol ;p
  • edited July 2011
    stupid phone... Made me post twice!
  • Drug

    lol we were huge stoners among other things and we worked 3rd shift so wed go to his place smoke, munch, fuck, shower, sleep.. lol that was our daily routine for months. needless to say we got preg 2 weeks after he finally asked me out lmao
  • Trying new things...
    (If feb I decided we would go every other week to the sex shop and find something new to try.we only got to go once!) Oops.. I wouldn't ever take it back tho!
  • @Mythica.... boooooo! Have the itch, do ya? If it's any consolation, I gave up my own account and just play on the husband's occassionally now. It's starting to get a little repetitive. lol Just waiting semi-patiently for Diablo 3 to be released instead. :D
  • @waasae lol, yes! My friends are trying to get me to play Rift, but part of the reason I miss WoW so much is cuz my Soldier was the one who got me into it, and he's overseas right now. :(
  • Rode
    we went to a party in Birmingham Alabama came back with a baby, oh and I even remember the sex it was great. (TMI you are warned) First time squirting too ;-)
  • @Mythica.... awwwww, that's upsetting! :( I hope he gets to come home to you and baby soon!! >:D<
  • @waasae Thank you, hun. -hugs- Long story short, I hope he does, too.

    Full story here: http://www.pregnancythisweek.com/forum/discussion/41325/please-dont-judge-me-but-i-need-some-help-or...-something.-#Item_47

    I'm not kidding when I said it's a long, long story.
  • Late
  • sex =P~
    love :X
    whoops :-S

    the last one cause i was on the pill .. guess it didnt work.. lol
  • Sex

    I didn't think I could get pregnant but I did we let nature take its corse
  • After Argument Sex :p
  • Home from deployment!

    After being in Afghanistan for a year. Whole month off and nothing but good times :p
  • His

    haha X_X
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