So it begins

edited July 2011 in Birth Stories
Sunday morning @ 7:23 my back hurts I actually have to stand up to relieve the pain and again at 7:25. Um maybe I should time these,(there's an app. For that so that's what I used) by about 8 I called my mom to see where they were because they pick up the kids and take them to church and bring me breakfast. I tell them to please bring me a bagel and inform them that I don't think they will be going to church. Then when they get here dad tried to tell me that maybe I shouldn't eat what if I get sick. I say well then I will have something to throw up, touch my bagel and die.!! I decided to take a shower and have my mom braid my hair. Oh did I mention I sent my husband to work told him I would call from the hospital and let him know when to leave work. So they found a malformation in my brain which the doctors decided to make high risk because of it, they say something I was just born with. But my appt.with the high risk doc is not until thursday, well iv been told that I also have to deliver at a different hospital. So I call the high risk after hours number, and the call center person tells me that since I haven't been seen there yet I'm considered a new patient and there's nothing she can do for me sorry, excuse me what, and won't even connect me to the doc on call. Well okay heres the next kicker, my ob is on vacation, so I call to find out whose on call. By this time I'm about in tears I explain what's going on and ask what do I do. Im told to go to the original hospital and she will meet me there, she says if I have her transfer me they can not refuse me. So that's where I go. They get me all set up on monitors, and then says they will check me in an hour. Well when they finally check me I'm already 5cm, and now they can't tansfer me, well why did they wait an hr to check me. And that damned nurse I swear was trying to climb inside with the baby it hurt so bad, I finally tell her she needs to get her hand out of me. So now I'm admitted and they explain that I have to have an epidural, I didn't won't one, but understand why they want me to and finally give in and get one. they epidural guy is awesome and gets it in one stick. sad news is that I have scar tissue and only one half of me is numb. Then they start the poticin and break my water I'm now holding at 7cm. babys heart rate goes down alittle and they decided I needed an anmnio infusion where they put more fluid back in you, I find this funny because I was just diagnosed with to much fluid.the family jokes that I should name him noah after all this water talk. After awhile the doc says I think you can push past this last part of cervix do I want to try, um yes please, she looks around and ask where hubby is I said getting food for himself and my mother she asks if I want to edit for him. I said no he saw the last one I'm not waiting. Well my body not ready yet so onto more waiting. I'm finally in enough pain I want something for it cause my epidural is only doing half the job, but when nurse walks in so does the doc there gird that idea. She says I know that you had the others natural would you like to turn off the epidural, I almost stupidly said yes thank god my mouth said no. there suppose to use the vacuum because of my high risk situation I'm not suppose to push to long. Well the doc tried it and said I push better with out it and tossed it aside. she then says its just me and you lets get this done. She does do that count crap push while I count to ten thank good that gets on my nerves. She guides me how and where to push and tells me how awesome I am and I'm doing it right. In the middle of this she says dad are you cutting the cord I look between my legs and say no I want to, she looks at me like no woman had ever said this to her but days I can if the cord will reach but it didn't:(. Like five pushed and my baby is out. He is four weeks early and weighs 6lbs 15.4 oz. I'm tired now and will make another post later about why we were sent to the nicu.


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