Don't Judge me its already hard enough..

edited February 2011 in Teen moms
I'm 18 and 21 weeks pregnant with my first child a girl... My boyfriend is thinking about joining the Military after the baby is born. I'm in college, I work a full time job, & take care of my 16 year old sister. I keep getting the "your to young your throwing your life away" speech. Between me and my boyfriend we make enough money to support ourselves and my sister and a baby. So I don't understand while people think i'm to young to have a child.


  • I was 18 when I got pregnant and 19 when I had my daughter all I have to say is screw people who judge others sorry if that's to blunt.. and ur not throwing ur life away even with a baby u can still achieve anything :)
  • I'm in the same boat Im 18 an work full time an have my older sister an her kids an my little sister Jus keep doin wat Ur doin it will all be ok
  • People will always find something to judge on hun just hold your head high and proove them wrong by doing the best that u can do :) xx
  • I think thats bs about u being 2 young. As long as u can take care of the baby it shouldnt matter. I think its really great that ur also taking care of ur younger sister. U should be really proud of ur self and dont let anyones bad comments get u down. ;;)
  • Just had to write in although I am older and starting a family... girl, just be yourself and stay true to yourself. There are SO many people in this world who should have never became parents, and they are certainly ALL ages! Age doesn't determine whether you're ready to be a parent or not. Is it hard? YES! But that's true for all ages, especially if its your first! It can be just as hard with your fourth! Don't listen when ignorance speaks... you seem to be growing up young as it is with your sister and I hope that you just keep a good head on your shoulders. I'm sure you'll be a great mom!
  • Kudos to you I'm 27 and raised my three sisters. I began taking care of them from age 11 and that was too young, but here I am preggers with baby number two and all is well. I think you and your bf are on the path to greatness, just take what they say and smile them prove all them numb nuts wrong! Good luck I'm confident you'll do terrific!!!
  • Thank-you everyone I feel much better now.
  • There's no reason for me to judge you. You seem like a stable, level-headed women. Now, lift you chin and kick these jerks where it counts! ;)
  • I think when people say you're to young its because maybe its sad o them because your whole life is now for your child and not you anymore. You'll miss out on a lot but on a better note you'll be so young when your kid moves out.
  • I'm 18.. married my best friend/boyfriend of two years in june (: & we found out in November we're pregnant! He's a Marine.. & we do everything on our own! Idc what anyone says.. being mature & responsible is what it takes, it doesn't matter the age! We're proving that more & more every day! I believe you can do it! So keep your head up & be happy!!!
  • People will judge if yore too old, too young, take on too much or too little. Do what you gotta do!! Best of luck!
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  • Girl, im 38 and havn my 3rd and after 10yrs.. people talked shit..
    (excuse my french) and i straight told them:
    While i have with who, what, thru where i give a rats ass what yall have to dont you know their mouths were wide open.... I felt soooo proud of myself....
  • @maya dont listen to judgemental people. I also had a baby at 19. His dad and I split when he was only 4 months old. I have been supporting him and myself ever since. I have never collected any type of assistance (state or family help). I also took care of my younger brother for awhile when our parents were divorcing. I have over came alot and proved everyone wrong. im now 28 and 9w6d prego with my 2nd and everyone is acting like im 19 all over again. And I intend on proving them all wrong all over again. As long as you have a positive attitude and set goals for yourself and your family you will over come anything thrown at you.
  • Everybody gets judged by age. Im 22 and im still being told that im too young and that im throwing my life away but I have learnt now not to care what they are saying I know im ready for a child and I cant wait to prove them all wrong
  • I have met people who are 16 who are more mature than 30 yr olds that I know. Do not let others bring you down. People give me a hard time about not getting married b/c I am pregnant. I have been married before and really don't think its a priority to do it again. Long story short, yu should do what is best for you.
  • edited February 2011
    Eff everyone who thinks your too young...if you know what you want and your happy then that's all you have to worry about...
  • I wrote a thread kinda dealing with this issue. People were telling me I can't party now, so its more along those lines. Its called "teen mom stuff" if you wanna look it up.
  • Wow. Well I've never been the 1 to go out and party. Thank-you everyone
  • As long as u r happy healthy and love ur new family. Take care girly.
  • Of course you are too young to have a baby but shit happens and you do the best you can to make it through. I was always the kind of person to look down on teen moms and always said "that'll never happen to me, I'm going to be married before I get pregnant" now I'm 19 and 9 weeks pregnant by a guy who wants nothing to do with me. I got many people telling me I should have an abortion but I am extremely pro life and think abortion is the most irresponsible thing you can do. Yeah I'm too young to be a mom but I need to take responsibility and deal with my mistakes.
  • Im 23 pregnant with my 2 nd and I get old people tut at married and a gd mum. But people dont see that they jus think im a young girl .but no matter what age you r there will always b the odd one whos a rubbish mum.and a whole load of gd ones.jus keep ur head up ul b fine :-)
  • I got married at 22, had my first child at 24 & now at 27 & still happily married, I'm 17 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I have had people tell me my whole life I'm too young for any of this... well, all I have to say is the people who said all that were utterly CLUELESS about the kind of 'childhood' I had. Let's just say its a childhood I've never missed & I know I grew up too fast out of nesscessity. People still act like they think I'm some sort of idiot because I'm not out partying with other people my age, and I could care less. I've never been one of those kinds of people & I live & breathe for my family. I wouldn't have it any other way! You, too, can do whatever you put your mind to. Being a great mom has nothing to do with age, ans everything to do with love. Good luck! :)
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