Weird bug bites???



  • @charlotteb no one else has them, but I sleep on the couch. Soo... Idk.
  • @charlotteb lmao! It itches and I can feel a bump. Plus, I'm flexible, I guess. I've always suspected it, but I've also always been on the heavier side and have limitations due to that. I've lost weight almost the whole pregnancy.
  • Ok, Google is my friend. It says papular dermatitis, commonly mistaken for bug bites. Not the same as pupps. And unfortunately birth is the remedy.
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  • @charlotteb Hmm... I'm not sure. The only "crust" they have is where I have broken the skin on accident, and even then it's just a clean little scab. And I have one spot where it is clustered... But I suppose that papular dermatitis is a safer bet since I'm the only one who has it.
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