The closer I get the slower time goes. I want my baby here already lol. I feel her everyday and I'm ready to see her lil face now. I hope she comes in two weeks!!
I've only got 43 and some days seems like they are just rushing right by and scares me. Other days I can't wait to go to sleep just so I can wake up and be one day closer!!
Aww I know the feeling, this is my 3rd an its been totallu different in both good and bad ways... My girls are now 8 and 6 so in a way its like starting again so ive forgot sooo much, plus I suffer from bad depression and ive always been insecure about my weight (ive always been slim) but feel huge, and pregnancy doesnt help that lol :-) @misskristin
@simone (that's my name u pride n joy will be here soon n then u get to see her n hug n kiss her...I can't wait to see my little man and ask him Why were u kicking my ass all day all night That is the bigger joy of being pregnant, when ur ready to meet ur little angel...I have 85days left...BUT IM SOOOO READY...good luck to u
@My2sons Well nice to meet u Simone lol These babies kick like they hate us smh. I hope ur time flies bcuz I'm gettin close but its dragging lol. Good luck to u. I'm on girl #2 & ur on boy #2? Can we switch it up?? Lol
@simone lol my husband thinks time is going so fast but he isn't carrying this GUT...I wanna try again next year for a girl...if not my new name next year will be
@My2sons Lol we need to rub bellies bcuz 3 is my limit so ima wait 2 yrs and the next one better be a boy!! Yeah everyone that's NOT pregnant says its going fast but I'm like the glass looks half empty to me lol.
@mrsSilver Time is never on a pregnant womanss side. It really is almost over but its like waiting for water to boil or the last 5 minutes while at work lol it sucks but hey >:D<
@simone I know I'm so ready to have my baby here and hold him ! This belly thing isn't working for me anymore ha I want him in my arms .. Oh & my baby cousins keep asking if I ate him and when he will be here .. Uh idk what to say lol
I'm down to 38 (almost 37 lol) and I feel the same way!! I am nesting like crazy and I feel like once I'm done, which should be this week, I'm gonna go nuts til she gets here!!
Girl I can't wait I'm so impatient its sad lol
Girl I can't wait I'm so impatient its sad lol
Well nice to meet u Simone lol
These babies kick like they hate us smh.
I hope ur time flies bcuz I'm gettin close but its dragging lol. Good luck to u. I'm on girl #2 & ur on boy #2? Can we switch it up?? Lol
Lol we need to rub bellies bcuz 3 is my limit so ima wait 2 yrs and the next one better be a boy!! Yeah everyone that's NOT pregnant says its going fast but I'm like the glass looks half empty to me lol.
Wooo whoo hang in there! I feel like an over cook ham lol but it is getting closer
Time is never on a pregnant womanss side. It really is almost over but its like waiting for water to boil or the last 5 minutes while at work lol it sucks but hey >:D<
Lol u shud tell him that u did eat him but now he's stuck and wont come out lol