How has the father of your child changed?

Since you've had your baby,or now that your pregnant? good or bad! Well mine has changed in a HORRIBLE wayy uqhh,he lies,he's sneaky and just never ever thought that me & him would end up like this :(,i literally cry everynight about this bullshit! I love my son & I know I gotta keep him healthy untill november 14!! How about you ladies?


  • Well my bbyfather do make me mad a lor now , its kinda iffy . One day he loves me so much & the nxt im like idk if he do . But wen it cum to his unborn daughter he is always happy an excited to have her in the way , he just act iffy towards me at times.
  • He's not very patient with me anymore ha but at the same time way more helpful. He's never in the mood anymore though! :-( I hate it.. somtimes I cry all night while he's sleeping because I feel like things have changed so much and I'm jealous he can still smoke and drink while I just had to go cold turkey out of nowhere
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  • @cute_pebbles same here,its like he's tellin me how much he love me & my unborn son but the next day he's out doing his thing without a care in the world.He hasn't done much for our son,if he does I have to BEG @pawgio we are in the same situation when it comes to our bds & they opinions on when to step up to the plate & omq yesss all mine does is smoke & drink and goes missing for 3 days and then call like nothing is wrong. @Mommy_of_two aww how responisble of him,tell him to keep up the good work :)
  • @lovinmyunborn omg yessss ! An I wrk everyday he dnt , an then he wants to go out an do him with his frenns an mines smoke too , dnt drink like that . I was the drinker , an party girl .
  • My hubby has been amazing since day one he has always been more laid back when his home because his a paramedic and works a lot and long hours and so since I don't work as much I did more of the home stuff and his been super helpful and doing a lot I don't even have to ask I feel very blessed his super cute and still takes me out every week and we go hiking all the time and have like our one tv show night every night he is home and I am working now he even texted me as I was typing this and asked if I wanted anymore food even though he knew I packed come lunch... everyone is different and I think having a baby is a great test for the relationship so I am gald ours is getting stronger and for those that are having a hard time you are in my prayers and I hope what's best for the baby will be done.
  • My man has changed so much our baby is four months old and he takes care of him real well. He provides for us and knows what to buy most important things first. We have seen it rough sometimes but he always comes through for us. We used to fight a lot and we still fight not as much but we both know that we have to work at this marriage. I love him

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  • My hubby changed for the better he's showed my love in ways that I never knew he could..he deals with the emotional roller coaster that I go through every now n then and I kno he's gonna b a great father!!..
  • He became the most amazing person I could imagine
  • edited August 2011
    My honey has always be awesome.. but OMG he's been more amazing then I.expected. straight out of labor I was on strict bed rest. My honey from birth stepped in and did it big. From the first.bath in the hospital, all pamper changes.for the first 7 days of her life. As soon as we were discharged he took her back and forward every day alone to get lab work for jaundice.

    It was really hard on me because I couldn't do anything but breast feed. While laid flat on my back.

    Even tho I missed out on the 1st 7 days I'm glad it got me out the way so he can bond fairly with his daughter.

    Sometimes us mommies want to do it all including we get the previlege to breast.feed and the baby gets naturally attached to us.

    I'm my situation my circumstances leveled the playing field.

    I've gain a respect for him and totally trust him with our baby.

    This is my 4th and his 1st... My ex husband is not 1/2 the father as my honey.

    Daddy of the year
  • @all I can say mine has gotten better lol,guess it was just a phase we we were going through plus with these hormones I blow everything outta proportion lol but glad all you other ladies are doing well :)
  • My hubby has always been wonderful to me and since I've been pregnant he has changed a little but in a good way. He's showing a more nurturing side I've never seen before. He just wants to take care of me and our baby and its the sweetest thing! I had a feeling he would be a great father in the beginning because of how amazing he is with my nephew who adores him and after these past 8 months I have mo doubt he will be. Im lucky to have him and thank god frequently for sending him to me!! :X
  • since she has been born he has been amazing. we're not together at the moment but hopefully things will continue to look up and we can make it work. he is amazing with our daughter and I love it :)
  • My BF has always been a super sweet & attentive guy. He still is and what's funny is I swear it's like he's more in love with me everyday since I've been preggo :-) I couldn't ask for anything better. He'll be an awesome Daddy to our son!
  • I'm the same situation... My boyfriend use to be the man of my dreams!!! But a month after we found out I was pregnant (with a baby he was dying to have) he began to change. I start catching him in lies, he began to get sneaky, and when I would cry over things he says "shutup, you're overreacting, those are the hormones) and all kinda crap. But soon as I stopped crying, and acting as if I didn't care anymore, he immediately straighten up his act :-).
  • this is number he has basically been the same.
  • Worried but very attentive. I love him.
  • During the pregnancy we fought a lot and broke up and got back together a lot but ever since baby got here he has been there 100% and doing more than I expected. Being a first time mother is a lot to take in and learn and I couldn't do it without help. My heart goes out to all the women doing it by themselves. Stay strong.
  • edited August 2011
    Mine stayed the same maybe got even worse he's just the same as urs
  • Mine has changed a little and not in a way id liked him to. He doesn't call or text much for like days at a time. Doesn't put me as pirority number 1 which I believe he should. We argue a lot. And he can go days without seeing me and be fine with it. I on the other hand I'm always sitting at home missiong his ass while he's out with his buddies or whatever. But we are trying to work on it. I mean we wasn't prefect before I got preg either so its just one day at a time..
  • Mine has been driving me nuts this pregnancy, because he's not nearly as involved or interested as he was last time. We had a talk a few weeks ago, about how it was upsetting me and he tries harder. The other day, he saw my ticker and was like "holy cow, only 75 days left?!" And now he's being a lot more attentive...I don't really get a huge preggo belly, so I think it's just not very real to him this time.
  • well I guess I spoke to soon, we have been doing horrible. im not happy around him anymore, even when he is doing any and everything to make me happy. I just cant be happy anymore. we got into it really bad the other day and today he told me I was making the wrong choice by switching her to formula even though my milk is hurt her belly. im going to end up punching him in the face
  • Since i got prego hes been a fuckin asshole! I wanna kill him some days lol
  • My bd is not supportive and not here 4 me at all
  • edited August 2011
    My bd been a great guy since day one now hes just greaterer! Lol he is obsessed with my belly and with money to support our lil fam. He works two jobs and goes to college. He says he wants to give us everything. But him just loving me is enough. I adore him and feel real blessed to have him. Hes always reading baby books and preparing for our baby. :)
  • He got worse. Decided to try to be a rapper, put that before schooling and finding a job. Started drinking, smoking, possibly cocaine even more than he was before even though he had been clean from the coke for a while. I broke up with him and he got a new girlfriend instantly. Now she broke up with him and he ran off to Chicago (I'm in MN) who knows if he will come back?
  • My "sperm donor" hasn't changed. He's still the stupid piece of shit he has always been, except now he has another reason to throw a pity party. I want to throat/mouth/ball sac/kidney punch him. X(
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  • my hubby has matured alot he helps me so much and is always reassuring me he is amazing and i am blessed to have him
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