How has the father of your child changed?



  • mine changed in a very good way, when we found out he had been loving the unemployed life. he was living with me pretty much, and i was working full time in a factory. we were big potheads, and he was into harder drugs as well. well the day we found out he got asked to work for a very good paying job, said yes, got clean asap, and has stayed clean, told me to quit my job because it was making me have complications, bought us a house, and is working his butt of for us. needless to say, i love the man he has become, hes so happy to be a daddy, even though hes extremely young (20) hes definately made a huge turn around!
  • Mine has gotten a new gf and we haven't spoken in months.
  • mine is a douchebag. all he cares about is the honor of his lastname because he is something to be honored. lesson learned i refuse to date because i end up with assholes
  • My hubby has been amazing since we found out about our twins :) we were both scared @ first, don't get me wrong cuz its like double everything. He's more protective over me now and has been especially great since I've been on bedrest. He cooks, cleans, and has been in a nesting mood about 2 wks now lol...babies room almost finished. I feel this pregnancy has brought us closer together :) I couldn't ask for a better husband and father for our children ;;)
  • My hubby is so wonderful he has spoiled me soo much I'm gonna miss being pregnant ..I haven't done laundry since the moment we found out he does all the laundry and the cleanin...he is also an excellent cook..he planned 90% of my babyshower n I did the rest.....because of him I gained extra weight cause my fat ass. eats n
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