My second c-sec and birth of my son :) Super long- I just dont want to forget while fresh :)

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
Mason was born July 26th at noon exactly
He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long.
I went in for my csec at 930 and was scheduled for 1130. They did some monitoring of the baby and sent all the drs and nurses in to meet with my husband and I and to go over their parts in the delivery. I really emphasized I got sick the first time and wanted as many antinausea meds as possible bc puking with a fresh csec incision is miserable.
They took me back about 1135 for my spinal block. The dr did an awesome job and it didnt hurt very much at all! They laid me down, put the catheter in, and began surgery. Then my husband came back. I got a mirror and was allowed to watch everything!
Everything was going fine, my son was born butt first and next was time for the placenta. If u look at my old posts, I had issues with the placenta my whole pregnancy. My placenta was coming out very difficultly and wouldnt detatch. The dr. had to reach in all the way up to my ribs and pull it out in pieces. This pushed acid up my into my mouth and almost made me sick. He finally got it all out, but I lost a lot of fluids and almost needed a blood transfusion. My blood pressure dropped to 80/39 and my temperature to 93.9. They gave me meds to make my uterus contract and sent me to recovery after staples.
In recovery my temp wouldnt come up and they wanted me to do skin to skin but had to put a bunch of warm blankets and a bear hugger on me to finally get my temp readable on the machine to 94.9. I got to breastfeed about an hour after he was born! He latched right on and fed for a half hour!
They sent me up to my room and checked my vitals every half hour for a while until my bp and temp came up to some what normal. My son roomed with me the entire time!
My dr. came in the next morning and said.had I tried a vbac, I would have ended up needing emergency surgery for the placenta and possibly could have needed a hysterectomy bc of all the blood I would have lost before they got to it. My placenta was sent to the lab and we r waiting on results.
If you read my story this far, thanks! If anyone has any questions about csecs I would be happy to answer while they are fresh in my mind :)
Oh and I wanted to add, I gained 22 pounds and 6 days later I lost 17 pounds and my stomach looks like I am two months along!! I lost the weight very quickly this time :)


  • Congratulations!!! IM sorry about the placenta problems just glad everything else is ok!! Congrats on the weight loss!!! HAve fun snuggling your baby!!!
  • Why does your placenta need to be tested
  • And congratulations :D I can't wait to hold my little guy immmma be sooo inlove with him
  • Congrats! I had a very bad experience with my csec resulting in a blood transfusion. I am really considering a vbac next time.
  • Congratulations!! Glad ur ok tho. Enjoy lil Mason :)
  • Congratulations! Glad everything ended up okay inthe end! Love the name Mason...our 7yr old is Mason Edrik
  • Congrats! I do like to hear c-section stories as I will be having another one, so thanks for sharing.
  • Congrats, im glad everything turned out okay.
  • Thanks everyone :) @bbylucasMomma my placenta had 3 fluid filled cysts that were not there at 24 weeks but showed up at my 26 week ultrasound so they were testing the fluid in them.
  • Awww what an amazing story! Congrats mama! ;) Hope u have a speedy recovery God bless u & ur family
  • COngratz! I also has a c sec... I also lost all my weight but having trouble loosing my tummy area.. I look like a 2mnth preggo mom.. I hate it! ANd sad part is... I still dont fit in my clothes! My thigh area is still big!! PLeas help me!
    Any suggestions?
  • @betty my csec was a week ago tomorrow so I have not done anything these days but sit/lay around. I am breastfeeding though and my boy eats a lot! I eat more now than when I was preggo but I do still crave healthy foods. My incision is really sore so I dont dare to try to squeeze in my prepreggo pants. As for my belly, its almost flat but pudgy looking. I hope we can get into our clothes soon!! :)
  • edited August 2011
    SHeez!! Im praying I fit in it soon!! Cuz I start back to work in 2 weeks and I DONT plan on buyn any bigger sizes!! lol
  • Congrats, im glad u and baby are good...
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