anyone in college and feel like giving up?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone in college and feel like they can't do it anymore? Between being exhausted, puking and everything else I just feel too stressed out to go anymore.


  • I didnt finish Fall Semester'10.and didnt go for this Spring. I felt overwhelmed with 2kids, workn overtime, HW and school... No way!!
  • Yes but don't give up. Pit it this way is for ur child's future. U need to finish so u can give the baby a good future good luck o know there's times wen u just want to quite but think about ur baby it will help u get through it
  • I feel the exact same way. With the baby being on my mind its so hard to get school stuff done. It's annoying.
  • Hey I'm not in collage now I've completed my 4 years but I did get preggers in my 1st at 16 and alongside working all the hours I could and collage then adding a pregnancy I wanted to give up loads but I dident I stuck it out and 4 yrs l8r I have my lil girl my qualifications in hair and beauty :) my health is bad atm so had to quit work but I'm glad I stuck it out. Don't give up think of that better life u can give your child :) if I can do it u can hunni :) congrats and good luck xxx
  • Just stay focused! You can do it.
  • Ugh! I know the feeling. So annoying...but it has to be done
  • Thanks I hope so. My doc keeps putting me on Bedrest and I do not know if its best to keep going or just relax. I feel like a quitter if I give up but I don't want to hurt the baby.
  • You can do it. I did. With both of my kids. I just spoke to my professors and asked for some alternative due dates for assignments. They were understanding and we worked out a good plan.
  • My profs weren't understanding unfortunately. So I finished my fall term the best I could, and didn't register for spring. But, I am not quitting. Just taking a break. :)
  • I've been struggling with this myself, and I'm glad you posted about this @lisamarie
    I took a break during two separate semesters (both winter) after my mom passed away a couple years ago, and I'm on my last semester (hopefully). I really want to stick it out and finish before the baby comes in September. It's just really difficult. I've already missed classes from morning sickness and am behind on my school work. I'm exhausted all the time, and I just want to sleep. I haven't told my professors yet... Idk if they will even care. Hopefully it works out because I have family that wants to come in from out of town for my graduation. I'm just trying to focus on my baby and getting everything ready for the little one's arrival. It's a little easier to do homework when I remind myself that its for my child.
    Good luck to all you pregnant students out there. Don't be too hard on yourself, and take a break if you need it. Just don't give up and don't quit. You can always go back to school, though it may be more difficult (I speak from experience). We should all be proud of ourselves for continuing our education. Whether we end up taking a break this spring or pushing through the semester while pregnant, its not easy for us. Hopefully all our baby daddies are being supportive :)
  • Im 20 been at college 4 years nw i finish in june and i work part time so my day to day life is 7 til 10 i feel knackered all the time i catch up on sleep on weekends no mornin sickness as ov yet but really saw boobs thy relli hurt and my bra is startin t get tighter every day my friend alex started cryin the other day because my other friend lucy asked her y she giv up on tryin t drive shes failed 3 tyms but wiv loads on my plate atm i passed first tym afta it all wiv my friend my other friend andrea txtd me a really sweet txt sayin im a inspiration to any1 im finishin college and workin the furthest i can to prove my family wrong if i can do it u can ..... good luck

  • I went back a year and a half ago when my kids were 5, 2 1/2 and 6 months. I finished my bachelors in december and now I'm working on 9 pre-req credits before I start my masters...I'm friggen exhausted. I'm 12 weeks, so I'm hopng to get in spring and summer semesters before I deliver on 8/29. I'm thinking about taking off the fall semester, but I'm afraid if I stop I'll have trouble getting starting again. I don't know. College is way harder after you have kids, especially once they're moving around and demanding your attention with words-since I went back I've only been able to do homework at naptime and bedtime. Since I got pregnant I spend most of that time sleeping, so keeping up with it has been rough. I would recommend finishing, it feels so great when you're done. But it's a big, tiring commitment. :)
  • Thanks for the input. I'm having a rough time making a decision. My doctor and boyfriend wants me to quit going. But they both keep saying its up to me. I have a year left so no matter what I'm not going to finish before the baby is born. so I have no idea what to do.
  • I work full time and go tocollege half time. It's hard but I am doing it so I am able to meet my goals. If you only have a year left maybe take one class less next semester. You can always try online classes too.
  • I don't feel like giving up, but I'm definitely screwing up. I'm in law school and pregnant with two kids already and midterms on Monday and my husband has kept the kids away all day so I could study but here I am, with my head in the clouds and on a pregnancy forum. I don't think the recent nice weather has helped me concentrate either.
  • I'm in college & being pregnant & having hw is so much stress!!! & I work ! Its so much crap!!! I feel like I never can do anything!
  • I just started back at school in January then found out I was pregnant and I work full time during the day with class at night. I'm glad u posted this cuz I wanna drop out so bad but my husband tries to help with my homework as much as he can. I'm just so exhausted and don't know how much longer I can keep doing this!
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