u are the father...

I am 33 weeks pregnant I am 19 fixing to be 20 in Sept. And since I live in a small town drama is everywhere.
My soon to be child's father comes home from work at 4am this morning with a new story he has heard about our child not being his. Not only does this piss me off but it hurts my feelings to think ppl can be so hateful to say things like this. He wont even take up for me??
Well long story short we have been fighting all day... and I'm completely stressed and lost on what to do?
Should I just ask for a DNA test now? Or wait? I'm completely LOST


  • Wait.. its not worth risking your childs health to do it now.
  • Plus you're almost there!
  • Just Wait Until Baby Is Born
  • DNA!!! HE WILL PAY FOR IT!! ahahhaa!! Give him the peace of mind.
  • @Lily_glz I was planning on waiting but I'm to the point of having mental break down. Expected since he has been treating me horriable...
    @moroccanmexicanbaby its not about making him pay lol just about getting through the all this.
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  • DO NOT DO DNA AMNIO!! IT IS HIS PROBLEM!! Don't risk ur child for his doubtfulness. AS i said earlier, just wait until he is born! or...If you want, you can do amnio on 38-40 weeks when the baby is fully mature. BECAUSE HAVING PREMIES ARE NO FUN! just wait hun!!!
  • @moroccanmexicanbaby did you have one or know someone who had it and it caused a premier?
  • A known issue with amnio is premature rupture of membranes and preterm labor. Let him know that you will have a dna test done when the baby is born but also let him know he is seriously damaging your relationship and if he keeps not standing up for you the dna test will just be for the child support order. Why does everyone act this way about your pregnancy? Its none of their business.
  • @ll10 I had no clue. Thank you for telling me. I have no clue why they are its like they are bored and just want to start drama.
  • People are such jerks. Sorry mama.
  • Well... i am considered HR because my child will be born with clubfoot. But the procedure Was well explained and if you do consider having amnio before 23 wks - you can miscarry. Or abort it! After 23 wks, you can have a premature delivery. So if you want to set the record straight and do amnio dna, then the best timing is to have it 37-42 wks! Because of risk of infection, you don't want to do it soon. Good luck.
  • But let your doctor ASAP for he can schedule ahead of time.
  • I had the same thing happen to me. Small town starts drama. My sons dad was horrible to me after he heard it wasn't his. He threw things at me. And emotionally abused me. It is his son he's just an asshole for not believing me. I left him and now he's crying to me about how he made a mistake. Sorry buddy. You don't treat other like shit because of rumors!

    Wait till the baby is born and don't let him treat you badly! Your a person and your pregnant. Stand up for yourself. If he doesn't think its his kid then hit the road!
  • just wait.. hes an ass and im sorry your dealing with this.. i had a simular situation with my first but the ass hole ended up not being there anyways so i said f him and went about my life.. he seem my 9almost 10 year old about three times and he was 5mths old the last time he seen him.. he looks just like him.. im on social networks..and he could find him if he wanted.. good luck.. hes not worth the stress
  • @babynumber02 I'm so sorry you went thru that. I left early on in my pregnant due to this yet came back... now its starting again.
    @lae3 I think I am gonna wait.

    Now I have the problem if I wait the DNA test takes 7days to get back so he is unsure if he wants to be on the BC because he's unsure if he's the father.
    I told him today if he wasn't on the BC don't expect our child to have your last name? Does anyone have a thought on that? I am just confused and feel if u don't want to be on his BC why should he carry your name.
    I'm 100 % sure he is the father. I do not sleep around that's why this is hurting me so bad.
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  • @firsttimemommytobe I called my docter today but missed the call when he called back so I'm going to call back Tom. I'm unsure. I was told he wouldn't but I thought I'd ask to see
  • He doesn't deserve to have your baby carry his last name, do the dna when it turns out. Babys his let him pay to put his name on it and take hiss sorry butt to court for child support. My first daughters dad tryed that bullshit on me isaid fine you don't think she's yours, then WE don't need your lame ass bounce then fool,and she doesn't carry his last name I refused and no one can make you.
  • p.s.wait till babys born don't risk it
  • I left him a few times and finally left for good because it never for better. He would tell me he was sorry but he never was. Just be careful and I hope things get better with a dna test :)
  • never got better*
  • Geeze that's awful :( idk why so many people have to deal with add holes!! Leave him, don't give the baby his last name & get as much child support as you can!!

    Oh & wait until the baby is born don't risk anything!
  • If he wants to pull that crap he doesnt dwserve to have his baby to have his last name
  • If he denies him then that's his fault and missing out. I hate when men do that. I'm sorry :( but wait until the baby is born. There is a risk you wouldn't want to take.
  • Thank you lady's!
  • My bd has just now decided that he doesn't think my son is his after months of hearing how if I was having a boy he would HAVE TO be a jr. I blame this sudden change on his "awesome" friends and his lack of desire to be a father. So my son will not have any part of his name, his name won't be on the bc and I will do what they call a "Peace of mind" DNA test. That way per the state of Colorado I am the only legally recognized parent my son has since the dna test will not be filed through the courts and therefore not a court recognized document. If he wants any rights he'll have to go through the court and pay for all the fines and new OFFICIAL dna test.The state will also slam him for child support once he is proven to be the father if he decides to do any of that through the courts. If this if how he wants to play then my son and I need absolutely nothing from him, not even his money so I won't go through the courts, I'll just make sure I have all the rights.
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