
edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Todays a sad day in the life of this pregly mommy to be... I've to the conclusion that being a single mom is not for me & not only that I've come to realize that I can't afford anything my babys boy will need or want & it breaks my heart to say & do this but I'm putting him up for adoption <\3 I've found a wonderful family who will love & spoil him so I know my little man will be okay being that I'm still carring him its really hard when he moves or kicks I cry all the time because of it but I know I'm doing the right thing for him... now I'm sure y'all are thinking wtf but I have no help from family or friends or my sons father so id be completely alone & I also have no income what's so ever & am unable to work I tried getting social security but I dnt have the information they need to access me so as you can see my life really sux right now & I could use some kind word...please


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  • Honey what you are doing is noble and you should never feel ashamed for wanting the best for your son. Sometimes life doesn't work out the way we would like it to. However, it's what you do in those situations that defines your character. I know I'm proud of you and that lucky family who is gonna get your beautiful baby boy will never be able to tell you "Thank You" enough. Keep you head up hon. If in your heart you feel you are making the right decision that is all that matters. Good luck sweetheart!!
  • edited August 2011
    Oh hunny, I can only imagine how hard this is... but what an amazing sacrifice!! I think it's amazing that you have realized your baby deserves better than what you can provide, honestly. You are NOT a bad person, you are incredibley caring for doing this and some family will appreciate your blessing... your priceless blessing. My brother-in-law and his wife, as well as my sister-in-law and her hubby have both adopted and we couldn't imagine life without those blessings!! And, if this difficulty in ttc proves to be bc of something wrong with either one of us... I will be praying for a god-send of a woman like you willing to make that sacrifice.

    There are many of us who applaud your courage and are here if u need support. >:D<

    Ps mike&ronadopt are looking & are amazing!
  • Ditto. Its heartbreaking for you but its not.like this was an easy choice for you. So that you can make it thinking whats best for your baby not for yourself is great
  • aw hun i am so sorry that you had to make such a difficult decision. but everyone has a different "answer" for them. i hope you know us pregly's will support you and whatever you decide!!! either way it'll be a very long, difficult and heart wrenching time, but i hope the peace is with you knowing how great your boy will be cared for!
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  • I commend you, it's not an easy decision to make. ((hugs))
  • Am sry hun. I wish I could help you
    But God knows y u have to make this hard decision n am proud of u for taking a big step n say u r giving ur baby boy a better future. That's a hard decision to make. Just make sure that's wat u really want n write a letter to him explaining that u love him so much that u wanted him to have a better future. Have you take to ur parents about this not to change ur mind or anything but is there someone that can u speak to.
  • Im not thinking anything like that!!! I think its a great thing for you to do it shows you really are putting your child's life first... if you feel you can't provide for your child, I think your making the right decision... I wish you the best!!!
  • Im not thinking anything like that!!! I think its a great thing for you to do it shows you really are putting your child's life first... if you feel you can't provide for your child, I think your making the right decision... I wish you the best!!!
  • Im not thinking anything like that!!! I think its a great thing for you to do it shows you really are putting your child's life first... if you feel you can't provide for your child, I think your making the right decision... I wish you the best!!!
  • Im not thinking anything like that!!! I think its a great thing for you to do it shows you really are putting your child's life first... if you feel you can't provide for your child, I think your making the right decision... I wish you the best!!!
  • Sorry so many post LOL
  • Sorry u r going through this but so glad u r able to be the type of person to look out for the best interest of the baby. Don't ever let anyone make u feel bad about it. This just shoe's how much u truly love this baby!
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  • Good for you! So many of these girls are selfish by keeping there children with no means of caring for them! If u need to talk I have an adoption story of my own one of my sister and 2 more of 2 of my friends. I am here for u if u need to talk
  • @mommy_of_two I know idk how that happened
  • Read my post pregnant mind in need. There is always housing and govt help there is free daycare for you to go to school don't give your little one up. I know u will be a great mother :)
  • What your doing is probably the hardest thing in the world for a mother to do! I think its great what you are doing and not being selfish! And it shows how much you care about your baby!!!
  • Wow well done that must be so hard to admit to yourself and take alot of courage to do. I admire how strong and selfless you are!
  • I admire you greatly love :) I was adopted so I have the out most respect for what you are doing! And he will thank you someday for it! I thank my birth mom everyday for not raising me in a shelter and giving me the best life shed could.
  • Thank you all for your wonderful words(: this is a very hard time for me & to know im doing the right thing really helps sooooo much... I just want the best for my baby boy & im woman enough to admit I cant give it to him (btw im 28 weeks & 3 days as of today) please feel free to email me @ krystalbrown19@gmail.com thank you all again.so much <3krystalann
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  • @mikeandronadopt are looking perhaps u could consider them ? If thee other family back out or u think its not right for hin too go there ?
  • Yes plz take the time to read mike and rons story.
  • You are doing a wonderful thing for your son. It takes alot to swallow your pride and admit you cant provide him with the best life. If you need any support you know us preglys are here for you. Are you thinking of an open or semi-open or closed adpotion?
  • @krystal_ann ... You are an amazing person for putting your son first. You will always be a mom. You're going to give that little boy and amazing life and that family a gift that they (I'm sure) have been dreaming of for years. If by chance things don't wrok out with that family, we'd love to chat with you, but we hope everything is smooth sailing for you all.

    and thanks @mummytuube & @mrsrocketfield1221
  • Don't give up your baby! There is help for single mothers! Your son will be the reason of everything! I am a single mother! Find help! Go to your local church, Food stamp, and get emergency housing. And. WIC. I know how it is not to have family. I am the only person who lives in US from family. I have 2 Children. And place the father in CHILDSUPPORT.
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