Todays a sad day in the life of this pregly mommy to be... I've to the conclusion that being a single mom is not for me & not only that I've come to realize that I can't afford anything my babys boy will need or want & it breaks my heart to say & do this but I'm putting him up for adoption <\3 I've found a wonderful family who will love & spoil him so I know my little man will be okay being that I'm still carring him its really hard when he moves or kicks I cry all the time because of it but I know I'm doing the right thing for him... now I'm sure y'all are thinking wtf but I have no help from family or friends or my sons father so id be completely alone & I also have no income what's so ever & am unable to work I tried getting social security but I dnt have the information they need to access me so as you can see my life really sux right now & I could use some kind word...please
There are many of us who applaud your courage and are here if u need support. >:D<
Ps mike&ronadopt are looking & are amazing!
But God knows y u have to make this hard decision n am proud of u for taking a big step n say u r giving ur baby boy a better future. That's a hard decision to make. Just make sure that's wat u really want n write a letter to him explaining that u love him so much that u wanted him to have a better future. Have you take to ur parents about this not to change ur mind or anything but is there someone that can u speak to.
and thanks @mummytuube & @mrsrocketfield1221