edited August 2011 in Second Trimester
Well I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me that I they found Protein in my urine. They started asking me question about any sign and symptoms that I may be having and before I could even tell them ANYTHING she named them all off....I have been having upper stomach pains, constant nausea, changes in vision, abdominal cramping, headaches and they found protein in my blood. I had convinced myself that theses symptoms were normal symptoms of pregnancy. It didn't really concern MY OB much but the visiting Dr. that was with him was VERY concerned... They sent me home with a 24 hr. urine test to take...I am really concerned because my Dr said although Preeclampsia is possible anytime after 20 wks because I am only 23 wks that he doesn't think it's likely to be the problem. He said usually women get preeclampsia around 34 or 35 wks. and the only treatment for preeclampsia is to deliver the baby....I immediatly started FREAKING OUT...because if Preeclampsia is the problem then baby will come early...((How Early))...Depends on how bad it gets...So I'm praying for the best and hoping everything is okay...Sorry Kinda Long =)


  • I hope its not preeclampsia! Good luck :)
  • I hope its not. I got preeclampsia at 39 weeks and delivered. A friend of.mine had it at 31 weeks and delivered. Her baby girl was 2ibs 13oz shes healthy as can be now. I think if you were to have it theyd put yoyu on bedrest. Update us when your 24 hr urine test results come back.
  • I got preeclampsia with my last pregnancy (my now 2 1/2 year old daughter) at 20 weeks. They put me on meds, had me resting a lot, I had to be careful what I ate, etc etc etc. I held out til 34 weeks and progresed to eclampsia, and delievered right away. They can do stress tests and such to check on how the baby is doing, the best thing for you to do us stay calm! Don't get your BP elevated.
  • Thank you so much for the support...I'll keep you ladies updated after my urine test...I'm definitely trying not to freak out....
  • Praying for you! That's super scary!!
  • If it does come to the worst my sister had it with her two last two. Delivered at 26 and 27w and both children are fine and healthy
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