In most cases, unless your doctor does them in office or needed for medical reasons, you have to pay for a 3d and they are elective. It's more than likely 2d.
@pregoagainyay I'm paying for 3d/4d ultrasounds. Luckily the place I chose offers a package for like $235 that includes 3 separate sessions with pics on a cd as well as prints. At the second session, they will make a dvd with music too. If you can afford a 3d ultrasound, shouldn't be more than $100, I say go for it. That baby is only in your tummy for a few more weeks, why not treasure those moments.
I agree with @misskristin though its totally worth it! I paid $150 for the 3d/4d. If you want to do it you should hurry though because some places won't do them after 33 weeks.
i think 2d...ill be going in for measurements this Monday (33wks) and doing a 3d/4d ultrasound later in the evening its very cheap and they have 1/2 off deals..but i always miss them good thing its only $75
I went for my ultrasound that's only 2d and I just asked her if baby was in a good position could I get a 3d pic of her and she did. It doesn't hurt to ask...
Got mine Friday at my 30 wk and it was $125. Totally worth it my little man looks just like his mommy! So cool to see! Now count down to see him in person!