fighting over dna still

I'm still fighting with him over getting a DNA test. We were finally moving on when what do you know last night he got mad and there it started. I go to the docter today and I am going to ask about DNA while pregnant. (I app everyone's advice towards this in my last stat I just can't keep going like this)
he told me if it isn't his he isn't staying? And finally admitted he wasn't ready for Gunner. How do you even reply to that?


  • Tell him he needs to stop dumping his own fears and inadequacies on you. Its. Risky to do DNA while pregnant. I think you should maybe get away from him until the baby is born and he can know for sure.
  • He's hurt. He will say anything to make you hurt like him. I don't think you can do dna while prego can you? I wouldn't think it was safe. Just keep your head up and let him handle it his way. You need to think about if it was flipped and how would you feel. I don't know your story but from this post that's my advice.
  • @ll10 that is another option I was considering. I am just so confused. Thank you so much for listening to me.
  • Did you cheat or something? Or is he just being an ass?
  • How far along are you? I think DNA while pregnant is through an amniocentesis and very risky for u and ur lil one. In my opinion, not worth risking just because he thinks its not his. Its safer to wait till after the baby is born and do a cheek swab DNA. Hope this helps!
  • I really hope you didn't think I was being mean. What I took from it is that the baby may not be his and he's freaking out. If that's not the case I'm so sorry. You really don't need the stress from this right now. He will come to his senses. Stay strong and do what's best for you and your son :)
  • @proudmomma no IV never cheated in the two and a half years... we live in a very small town so everyone's in everyone's buisness... he was told at a party that it wasn't his. And ever since he has been acting like a crazy person.
    @spray85 yes you can get one I'm almost 35 weeks. I'm just not sure I can get one this late.
  • @proudmomma oh no I don't think your being mean at all.
  • I would leave or have him leave! Don't risk your baby over his stupidity! There is no reason it can't wait!! If he says he isn't ready it looks like he is just coming up with ways to get out of the whole thing! :/
  • edited August 2011
    I agree with @pnsw534 he is just using this as a ay to get out of feeling responsible
  • Oh okay.... tell him to take his insecurities and shove it! Find out who told him and rip them a new one. Tell him he knows that's his baby but if he wants to act this way then fine you can leave cayse that's not trust on his part. Plus if it wasn't his then the dang town and him would know who the daddy is cause that man would have said something to someone. You deserve better! That makes me mad. Don't do the test till he is born. Don't risk his life cause his dad is stupid
  • He must really believe it or is just using it as an excuse cause he's scared of being a dad. I think you both should confront who told him and if he still acts this way then leave him
  • I agree. Thank y'all so much for talks advice.
  • Your only 5 weeks away from delivery. Id just wait. Im sure if you did the amnio it would take a little to get the appt together and then take weeks for the results. You can always do one of those cheap send off walgreens test when baby is born. Just focus on the baby, dont worry about his temper tantrum.
  • @proudmomma I did confront the Guy and he lied like bald face lied! He had a story of when we had sex and everything. I was so hurt that someone I used to be close with could lie like that. We used to be like super good friends.
  • @sjmom Walgreens has a test?
  • Hes missing out, this is the only time he can enjoy the baby while hes growing inside you. Instead of making it special hes pushing you and baby away. Hopefully when the baby comes he will realize how silly hes been.
  • @Simon I hope he does too
  • @Gunners_mommy I havent used one personally but ive heard of them. I live in las vegas so I wouldnt doubt if we have weirder things in our walgreens. Apparently you cheek swab and send it off in the mail. But if its not at yours you can definently find one online. Just search dna paternity kit.
  • @sjmom I found a DNA service that come to the hospital. Its $250 and takes 7days to her back but if he wants to not trust me so bad he can pay that.
  • First time dads can be really dumb. I would just keep being the bigger person and not satisfy his childness with fighting over it while you are probably having to stress enough over your pregnancy.
  • Thats sad because that $250 could go to something nice for baby or for the whole family. Hes going to feel really stupid when he finds out he pushed the dna test for no good reason, because of gossip.
  • @sjmom that's how I feel this DNA is a waist of money that could be spent on our new house. But I guess u have to do what you have to sometimes
  • That guy is jealous. Your bd is being an ass. I would leave honey
  • If I were you I would say " everyone gets cold feet so buck up and grow some balls and be the man I fell in love with 2 yrs ago cause right now there's only enough room in this house for one pussy and that's mine!" I wouldn't do dna cause he knows its his. Don't even give him the satisfaction of it. Its expensive also. Be strong. He will realize what kind of ass he is eventually but I still would leave. I wish you the best. You really don't deserve this
  • *** update

    I found a place that gives DNA up to the due date. They draw your blood and the fathers blood then send it off and separate yours from your baby's and determine if its a match. Then come out when the baby's born just to give you double proof.
    $1400 bucks.
  • You guys are buying a house? Even thought he doesn't think he's the dad. Maybe take a lie detector test its cheaper and might prove to him you not only are having his baby but didn't cheat.
  • Yes we are buying a house... we are just going to wait till he gets here 1400 is crazy
  • Yeah it doesn't make sense to pay 1400 when your that close to your due date. And if he is using that as an excuse to leave....tell him he doesn't need one just leave. Have you explained to him how dangerous it is to do it before the baby is born? And if so....and he stills wants to go thru with it than he is selfish!
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