can you feel it??

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Your uterus? I was ecstatic today when I felt my tummy and bam! hard, completely different feeling tissue!! It kinda made it more real to me :) can anyone else feel their uterus? I'm 8 weeks but I'm very thin 5'4" about 117 prepreggers


  • Hi, I am only 4 weeks pregnant and I can feel it. It's the only symptom I have! I went through three failed ivf tries and the last one finally worked! I could feel it 4 days before I was due for bloodwork. And with ivf they do it really early! My tummy has thick clump inside! :-) I think maybe it's because we've been trying for 10 years to get pregnant and I was so much hoping for a miracle! Finally!!! And yes, I am also thin 5'7", 117 lbs.
  • This was the forth try that worked! Whoever is trying ivf, be prepared _ persistence pays off!
  • Yay I'm not alone!! Haha. I didn't do ivf or anything but it was just so weird to feel my tummy and feel something there :P I want my bf to feel it but he would have no idea what he's touching. Lol
  • This is my 4th child and I am nowhere near thin lol I was "aware" of my uterus as of last week and I am 6 weeks now. I don't know if its cause this is my 4th child.
  • i can feel my uterus growing... also, when i put my hand on my stomach, i can feel movement, bubbles, etc. Its a great feeling. I can also feel my uterus contracting. the doc said thats becuz my uterus was growing. she said some people can feel everything becuz they are sensitive to their bodies. ive always been very in tune with my va-ja-jay... so its pretty cool.
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