My body is pretty much poisoning my baby & there's NOTHING i can do about it :( *UPDATE in post



  • @MrsG Well, see what happened is this; I brought the itching up about 2 or 3 months ago at my old doctor's office & he checked my levels. Everything was normal. So, I started trying lotions, creams, starch & oatmeal baths, Benadryl, etc. Nothing would help. I brought it up to my new doctor about 2 weeks ago, and they suggested Zyrtec because sometimes Bendaryl isn't a high enough dosage- didn't do anything. Monday I was having horrible contractions so I called & went it. When I got there I brought it up again, and asked if they would test my bile acid levels, they said that isn't the test they need to do. They needed to check my liver enzymes, so they did the blood work for it that day. The results came is yesterday (Tuesday) & the nurse practioner at the office called and told me my levels are very high & they needed me to go do somemore blood work in the morning to figure out what my other levels assosiated with the enzymes are & scheduled a follow up appointment for Friday, the earliest they had available. I haven't been able to discuss anything about this with my doctor, because I was technically JUST diagnosed. So, none of us really know what kind of condition she's in, or what we're going to do about it. We'll figure all that out Friday, I'm assuming.
    @bke913 I wish that would work, but there's no way it would. I'm hoping to be able to get 5 minutes with the doctor tomorrow to figure SOMETHING out, but I doubt I'll be able to.
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  • My friend had that and she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who was very healthy and he is almost a year now. So keep your head up! Ill keep you and baby in my prayers.
  • @MrsG Thanks :)
    @newmomma15 It's very possible to deliver a healthy baby with Chloestasis & it's also very possible for the opposite to happen. Of course I worry about the negative outcome more than the positive one, because it's absolutley horrible. But, it's out of my hands. God will do what he wants done
  • @BabyMcBride8_27 I had choleostasis with my first and just got my test to see if I have it again. I had itching everywhere. I would go days without sleeping. I went into preterm labor tons of times starting at 24 weeks with my first. Its hard bc choleostatasis is kind of rare and alot of the nurses and even doctors dont know what it is. I had to explain what I had to a doctor on one trip. At 34 weeks I was in labor and the nurses tried to send me home. I refused to leave and asked for my doctor and my high risk doctor to run more tests bc I felt something wasnt right
    Come to find out the sac was completely infected so she had pneumonia when she was born. Try to be as relaxed as you can and not be stressed. I know thats hard and you are worried but that is the best thing you can do for your baby. Its a scary thing I know. And I know how horribly frustrating the itchimg is. If you need to talk just let me know.
  • @mollysmama I'm beginning to think my doctor is unsure of what Cholestasis is. It seems like he's kinda beating around the bush with an exact diagnosis of it. I'm actually considering printing out some info on it, and bringing it to the office just in case, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries as a patient, ya know? I'm just egtting really frustrated with the fact that nobody can tell me EXACTLY what's going on. I'm taking it day by day & minute by minute, but it's getting ridiculous.
  • @BabyMcBride8_27 luckily my dr did know what it was but I still did print out the info and bring it in case there ever was a diferent dr.It is frustrating when you know more than the doctors. And ur not overstepping you are making sure you are getting good treatment.
  • @mollysmama My fiancé was saying I could print out the info, bring it in, and say that I know I'm not a medical professional, but this is what I think I have with the research I've done. I'm not trying to intrude in my doctor's practice, but, like you said, I want to make sure I'm getting good treatment & diagnosed accurately. Cholestasis fits me word for word. I even have the symptoms that normally don't show up (TMI but- light colored bowels, dark colored urine, yellowing around my eyes). I am 100% confident in that diagnosis, but my doctor isn't.
  • @BabyMcBride8_27 this is what my nurse told me when all the other nurses were trying to get me sent home...she said that baby has no voice. You are her voice,. her protector, her advocate. You can protect her from ignorance by educating them. You are her guardian angel.
  • @mollysmama That makes me feel so much better about my persistance! :) It's reassuring to know that I'm not being persistant for nothing, I'm doing my job as a mother. Thanks for sharing that! :)
  • @BabyMcBride8_27 its true though. That nurse taught me alot. she was molly and is guardian angel.
  • @BabyMcBride8_27 also my dr found an antidepressant that kind of helped the itching and ambien to sleep. You might ask about that.
  • edited July 2012
  • Oh my. what happened? is the baby ok?
  • Try a splash of bleach in a full bath drs have recommend it for itching for dermatits its worth a shot
  • I realize this is an old post, but for other ladies suffering from doc had me try atarax. It helped take the edge off a little and benedryl or Tylenol helped me get some sleep.
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