sore swollen gums and a canker sore.. pleeeease help

edited August 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
They freaking suck. Btw, I'm 10w5d . How do these pertain to pregnancy anyway?? I've been hearing that its a pregnancy symptom. Anyone else have this sucky symptom?..and what can u do to relieve it. It seems brushing my teeth makes it feel more swollen and sore. And flossing makes me bleed so bad..ugh! I still do it but its just painful ever since I hit 10 weeks..Help please. What can I do..? Oh I tried orajel and tylenol .. also a mouthwash called biotene- Dosnt help. Advice and a major thank-you in advance.


  • Rinse with warm salt water then a capful of peroxide. U have extra blood ur gums making them more sensitive. Plus it could be gingivitis which is something lots of preggers moms gets. I'd also go to the dentist for a cleaning. I didn't and now I have a filling about to fall out. Thankfully I got 2 weeks left then I will get seen. I'm terrified of the dentist and need to be sedated for any type of oral procedures besides cleanings lol.
  • Also dip ur toothbrush in some baking soda and brush with that it will soothe ur gums but kill bacteria and its just as effective as tooth paste.
  • Thanks so much @kingsmama very helpful :) i heard of the baking soda not the salt or peroxide..worth a try . Thanks
  • Ya those things work for me. They aren't instant but they do soothe my mouth quicker. And after a day or so it seems to get better. Gl hun :)
  • Campho phenique will work wonders on that canker sore! I got them alot in early pregnancy too!
  • @mimii36 what's campho phenique? Never heard of it . Sounds interesting though :) theese canker sores really suck.. can't even enjoy any of my cravings.
  • Its like a chapstick kinda but its medicated. I actually use the off brand kinda from family dollar called camphor phenol and its only about $2. Now as soon as I feel the tingling like im going to get one I put that stuff off & it barely pops up!
  • @Mimii36 That is for cold sores. Not canker sores.

    @bananaspliff Try the salt water. Warm salt water. Swish it around. :)
  • edited August 2011
    @fate im sure its also for canker sores. Ive used it numerous times & I had canker sores & not cold sores. & it worked just fine.
  • Canker sores are inside your mouth, caused by bacteria. Cold sores are cause by a virus. Campho Phenique is for cold sores caused by a virus. Cold sores are on your lips/face. @Mimii36

  • Unless they are actually in your mouth...then @fate is wont work because you cant put it in your mouth. But I get mine on the inside of my lip but on the edge so I can still but the stuff on it.
  • edited August 2011
    @fate. Mine are inside my lip but on the edge enough that it can be seen on the outside still. I know the difference between them & what I get is canker sores..not cold sores. Camphor phenol is what I use.
  • edited August 2011
  • @mimii36 ya, this one is on the inside of my bottom lip. I wish I could use it but is need something I can take in the inside :( but thanks for the input anyway :) I now know what to get for cold sores.

    @fate lol thanks for the info. Ever since I hit my 10th week my gums were first to malfunction and then that's when I noticed I couldn't speak or eat comfortably its like ugh! Irritating . But thanks ladies so much.
  • @Mimii36 I just looked at some info, it actually is pointless to use it in that area.. It says it helps keep the area *dry* preventing further damage. Also says not to put it on your lips. Uses are for cold sores and bug bites. Careful while your putting that near your mouth, hun.
  • Yea mine are always on the inside of my bottom lip also but I guess my lips are just big enough that I can still use the stuff. I just let it dry before I close my mouth & its doesnt bother me at all.
  • Campho Phenique is for external use only.
  • Hope you both feel better soon. Night ladies. :*
  • @fate well I looked up info also before using it & I consulted my doctor so im pretty confident in it hun. I dont just use things on my mouth without researching. But your opinion is your own. You dont have to use it if you dont want too but it works for me & my canker sores just fine. :)
  • Anyway..since I originally came on this post to help YOU @bananaspliff..heres something else you may find helpful for your canker sores sores lip&sa=N#i=58
  • O_o lol it kinda looks like that only its on the inside and 10x more smaller. Way tiny compared to that. :) @mimii36
  • Well I found something called CankerCover. Maybe google it & see if they looks like it could help.
  • I had a huge canker sore in the back of my mouth and i used warm salty water to rinse with and at the pharmacy the had this stuff called canka and i bought it and used it and it helpe.. Good luck!
  • I have no advice for canker sores (sorry!)

    But agree with some of the ladies about swishing with warm salt water. When you brush, do it gently (due to pain obviously and gum bleeding) and in a few days you should be fine. Also if you're able to, make a dentist appointment asap
  • Hmmm... I wonder if my cancer sores that just popped up are a prego symptom then. Af is currently 2 days late :) and have had headaches and soooooooo tired for about 2 weeks now.
  • Hmmm... I wonder if my cancer sores that just popped up are a prego symptom then. Af is currently 2 days late :) and have had headaches and soooooooo tired for about 2 weeks now.
  • Not sure why that came up so many times... but I meant canker sores not cancer!
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