2nd time moms, are you as scared as I am?????

edited August 2011 in Second pregnancy
We know what to expect this time. All those first time moms have no idea and are just excited about a baby. We've already experienced the pain involved with labor and the major lack of sleep afterwards. The closer it gets to time, the more Im dreading it! Anyone else???


  • I know how you feel! But the thought of meeting out newest edition makes the pain worth it! And my 4 year old daughter is super excited to be a big sister! I can't wait but still got 7 weeks
  • I am scared to death, the reason being is my toddler is kinda rough and I am so scared he is going to try to be nice to his brother and end up hurting him somehow!! And i am scared of the labor, my first i had an emergency csection and had a seizure right after. I am praying the labor part goes better this time!! I am having a scheduled csection this time tg!
  • Mhm.. In a way I want it over with already but when I think about the pain I went through with my first.. Is like hmm you can stay in there if you want lol..
  • I feel the same way even though I had a some what easy labor I still think about the contractions... its like its imprinted in my brain and idk how my daughter is gona react either.
  • I'm pretty much freaking out. I had a scheduled csection w/ my daughter so I don't even know what a contraction feels like.
  • I'm really nervous also!! My 2.5 is keep talking about baby.. but he's so clingy to his dad, I really hope he dnt be so jealous and share! Lol, I hope dnt hurt the baby somehow and I dnt want him to feel left out.. :-( also I'm trying for a vbac hope all goes well cuz I really dnt want a repeat section! Ugh!
  • Me me me. I'm having my third and I'm not dreading the labor part because ill have a c section. I'm scared to death about taking care of the baby and two older kids on my own. :(
  • @vtmamajuju
    im on my 3rd and more scared this time then the first two. Not sure how other mommies but due in 2months and thought i would be more ready by now but no were close.
  • I'm not scared, but I'm not in any hurry for it to get here. I had an easy labor last time, so I'm hoping for a repeat of that, lol! I'm mostly nervous that my 5 yo is going to be jealous, even though she's super excited now.
  • im more nervous more then anything, my 2.5 year old is completly potty trained and for the past week shes been peeing everywhere, she has become so clingy, braty, and Idk what to do,,, she is extremly attached to her dad....and with this baby coming any minute now I feel like im about to have a panick attack....but im praying she will change back to her old self by the time he gets here....lol...
  • I'm scared. Lol I was in labor for 40hrs with my 1st & do not want a repeat of that! I am also scared because my little man is only going to be 18months old & I don't think he is going to deal well with having to share mommy. :(
  • im terrified! labor doesnt scare me but I have no idea how to balance a newborn and a 2.5 year old, I dont want my son to feel left out and I dont wanna be so sleep deprived!
  • i'm not too worried about l&d just yet more concerned on where i'll be when the babies are born. I can handle one baby on my own but 3 may be pushing it a lil
  • I am having my 3rd and im kinda nervous. Im only 20 weeks so I have plenty of time to get more scared. My boys were easy labors and were pretty ok babies but they are terrors as toddlers. They are 4 and 2. But this time im having a girl. Its what I wanted but I dont know what to expect with a girl. Lol. I feel like a ftm again, at least for that part. I know what labor is like lol. At least for my boys. Im also nervous for this one to be born cuz when my mom had me and my sister she had difficult deliveries. So im scared of that. And her boys were easy deliveries as were mine.
    Sorry so long.
  • I'm freaking out!! My son is 5 n a half, haven't had a baby in a while.. I went out to eat last night with my mom and her friends and they were sharing their labor stories I was like ummmm let's change the subject! Lol I forgot how bad it does hurt and I'm due in 1wk 5days!
  • This is baby #6 n last ..I am Sooo scare of the labor pain oh god :(
  • Yeap baby number 2 and I'm scared as hell lol!!
  • I'm with you ladies with toddlers. I have a 2.5 son who is very independent but very rough and tumble. My SIL has an 8 mo old and my son has been around him since he was born. He is really cute and loves to give him kisses but he also doesn't like him to sleep. When I watch the lil guy I have to put in upstairs for naps cause my son won't let him sleep. He has also once tackled the 8 mo old while my SIL was watching my son.
    I am also afraid of him being jealous of the new baby. I don't want him to feel replaced.
    Another huge worry is my son is not potty trained, and has no desire to use the potty. I have been trying but he wants nothing to do with it. So changing double diapers isn't something I'm looking foward to.
  • My second was.a million times better than my first n the 3rd was just as easy doesnt "burn" like the first cause its already been openedd
  • I had two smooth fast labors...but my youngest is now 6 and I'm kinda scared. I feel maybe this one will be harder or maybe she will come too fast because my second labor was super short
  • @vtmamajuju my 1st born is 15yrs old I remember being so anxious and thought he was never coming out...then when my water broke I was scared as HELL...I was anxious with this one too until I reached 31 weeks (even though I'm still anxious) I know the closer i get I think about 15 years ago...OMG THE PAIN!!! I was in labor for 5 hours n ppl had the nerve to tell me "oh u were lucky"... lol when I think about those who be in labor for HOURS N HOURS ...I wanna pray for them n MYSELF cause that is so serious sh!t...lol then my friends n family says it not gonna be "THAT" easy the second time around...if that was easy GOD HELP ME!!!! LOL
  • @Janet_2011 I FEEL THE SAME WAY...LOL
  • I'm getting more excited but nervous as well! Nervous as to how its gonna be with more than one..but my 1st is already 6 so he's pretty self sufficient and is so excited to be a big brother! That alone excites me, how happy he is! Im sure we'll all be fine tho, we're pros right!! Lol
  • Yes!!!!!! More worries n stress on my part
  • So nervous bc my first was super easy it made me feel like I could have 15 babies lol but every Pregnacy is different I just pray & don't think about it like I did with the first I think the more relax u r the easier it is. But when I think about having a newborn and a 2.5 old toddler it scares the crap out of me
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