why does he do this

edited August 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
As if I dont feel unsexy enough already. My bf blows me off, tells me I should go home so he can play his video game.
This is right after he tells me he can get laid in this video game, thats what he's playing for, the whole point is to get laid.....ugh


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  • What game is he playing?!?! Wow smh
  • So virtually getting laid is better than really getting laid?
    NEVER heard a guy say that. Maybe he was tired...haha.
  • He's playing Mass Effect 2. And we don't really have sex because it hurts too much and he doesn't have enough control to go slow enough for me. And we can't do oral because I almost puke from gag reflex and he has a cold sore.... I want to think he was joking but idk he was pretty serious about it

    I'm just really blah with it all right now. I have 6 weeks left I'm ready to be done...
  • wow...just wow. You should tell him well I can just get laid "insert other way here".
  • What a nerdball. Smh. Well let him get laid from the videogame bc that's all hes gonna get ;)
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  • Wow he must feel SO accomplished, after having said all the right things and made all the right plot choices in the game in order to get to that point. You should give that pre-pubescent teen a pat on the back! #-O

    For the record, I really liked that game. Liked watching my BD play when it first came out. But he didn't play it just for the 30-second, non-graphic, sex scene... SMH indeed!
  • That's crazy! If he wanted real sex he would learn to control himself so you could enjoy it to!

    Maybe video game sex is a better idea if he can't work with you & your needs... Smh :/
  • Wow! I feel lucky now. My hubby keeps bugging me & I've no. he keeps saying pregnancy is sexy. Hmmmmm
  • Well if it makes you feel better the sex scene in Mass Effect 2 pretty much just shows the corner of the bed at least in the one I saw. I haven't had sex in like 3 weeks because my stepson is with us and the apartment is so small that he would most likely hear us. I'd rather spare his innocence! :))
    If I remember correctly, you and I are due around the same time. We've only got a little while to go!
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