c section incision opening,red and smells(has this happened to anyone else?)
Hi.so I had a c section on 8/4 dr took out staples 4days after b4 cleft hospital everything has been goin fine except the fact I can't rest and It started smelling. But the incision looked fine no redness,puss, wasn't open nothing just a smell.I thought mayb bc im overweight and its covered by my fat roll.well all day I've been in horrible pain having pinching pains which I guess is ripping pains bc it looks like its open on one side not alot but still open and adhere is now some red on the actuall incision that wasn't there b4.I check it once a day at night after my shower but its hard to see bc I need to hold a mirror and my fat roll and I can't look long bc I actually get nauseous.im really bad with stuff like this.it took me 3days after surgery to look bc it grossed me out so bad.the smell is soooooo bad now its between a decaying body and like rotten fish(im sry t.m.i) im going to call my dr 1st thing in morning but I wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else?
When u shower, clean the are softly and and pat dry when ur out...
Make sure ur undies are not bikini kind for now. It will irritate the incision. I had to go buy some brief kind they would fit over incision.
Dont lift anything over 10lbs, NOT even baby in carseat!! Its double the weight on those carseats.... also, NOOOO sweeping, mopping, sqauting, lifting,noo sex!!
Sorry if i sounded harsh, but i just gave u my restrictions by my dr..
Uggjhh i just sounded like my dr...lol
Good Luck!!