breast pad thingys

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
Do u have to wear them the whole time u breastfeed??


  • I would recommend it unless you want huge wet spots where your boobs are for all the world to see! Lol
  • edited August 2011
    The ridiculously silly thing about breastfeeding is that you can be on a date, miles and miles away from your baby, and you see/hear/think about a baby and all of the sudden your milk lets down and your left with big wet spots on your shirt! Also while you're feeding baby on one side the other boob will leak like crazy! It sucks so its smart to always always wear breast pads ;)
  • I second @rockinmomma, I pump and bottle feed but it never fails while I'm feeding my lil man I will totally SOAK a padded bra and shirt.
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