can't do this anymore :(

So im 32 weeks pregnant, through this whole pregnancy my fiance has done NOTHING to support me! He has no job, hes not got ANY income what so ever, he says hes going to college in sept ( yeah cos that brings in money!) Hes 21 for god sake. I was laid off work just before i found out i was pregnant and had no luck finding another one, which he says is my fault huh? His mums paid for stroller, cot etc which im grateful for but was this off him? No! He wouldnt even get off his ass to put his name on the housing list with me so i say f*ck it in staying with my mum as ill have no income from u and im not expecting the benefits to pay my rent! So last night i found a job which would suit him and he started screaming at me, he wouldnt get his arse outta. bed to come my midwife appointment with me, and wont come to antinatal classes with me n my mum cant as she works so i cant go! So i tx his mum asking her to have a word and nock some sense into him (kindly) and he found out and basicly said i was a lazy bitch and i cud of stayed at my job or found a new one pfft! Im 8months pregnant!! Hes now said i have issues like really? I want a supportive partner not a deadbeat, im so fed up of it now, sorry so long needed to vent to someone who isnt gonna go kick his ass lol :(


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  • edited August 2011
    @USMCwifemommy101107 i think ur right

    @Almost4 Yeah it's so hard though, i just cant understand why its so hard for him to step up, plus hes being the horrible one, but im leaving his ass untill he either reolises and gets looking for one, or he actually has one :(

  • Im with usmcwifemommy101107... one of my favorite sayings is "I can do bad all by myself".. meaning if he isn't part of the solution, he's part of the problem! Dust your hands and move on to bigger and better things! you have too much to worry about to have to add his lazy arse to the mix!
  • @sissylala Thats a good saying, so true! Yeah i do, urgh it frustrates me so much! (:|
  • Shit. What an ass!!!! Is say leave him behind honey he's a lazy ass & he apparently has no compassion or love for his pregnant girlfriend that is carrying his baby!!! ugh smh!!!

    Go preggosaurous!!!
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  • @salasmommy i know he loves me n all that, just Urghhhh why does he have too be such a lazy, unsupportive, argumentative son of a beach! but i agreee totally
  • I guess no one taught him that when you conceive a baby its time to get a job and provide for you gf/ wife and baby.

    I hope he comes around but don't sit round and wait too long. You can do so much better!

    And for him to complain because you lost ur job. No no. It is his job to provide.
  • @salasmommy Yup, his mum and dad get on at him, but sheesh his reply when i said how yiu gonna buy diapers and formula? Noway am i using all the. money i get when u sit back and do f-all, his response? My mum will pay, hell no its ur child! ffs ill be looking for a job as soon as im up and healed,
  • U should really set him straight because having a baby is so beautiful. If you work you won't get to spend time with him or her :( is this ur first right?
  • @salasmommy yep its my first, id given up trying to set him straight untill last night and as usuall he flipped and turns thi-gs round on me :( Yeah ill only look for part time work, im just fed up of living off benefits, there useless so i never know when im getting money, £53 a week i get then child benefit of £20 when babys here, so frustrating
  • Do you live in the uk? It is hard living off benefits. My bestfriend has three children and little ones and she does not get enough help. Then I see girls with gold rings all over there hands and and wig brand name clothes and ughh they receive housing and all that. It's unfair they should give help to mothers who really need it
  • Yes im in the uk, yeah its silly its like the people who really need the help, dont get enough or are looked down on, ah well i will. just have to be carefull with it lol, thanks for listning to me having a rant lol! Cant really with my sisters or mum as they would have him castrated or something lol!
  • Lmao castrated I know my mom would hace my hubby too if he wasn't takin care of me
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