why r they bringing me in the night before induction?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So I go in for my induction in 8 days. They r starting the process at 7am on the 23rd but I have to be there at 9pm the night before. Why do I need to go in a night earlier? I know they will draw blood and treat me like a gremlin and not feed me after midnight but is it needed? Or do they just wanna charge me another grand for an extra nights stay lol?


  • Lol hope you got insurance! Why are you being induced? Maybe they wanna monitor you a few hours beforehand.
  • Sometimes they'll put something on ur cervix the night before to "ripen" it over night.
  • oh thats a good thing.. for me they started giving me the cervix softeners at around 7pm.. i had like vaginal pill, six hours later they gave me another.. that gave me stronger contractions.. and then at around 5am my water broke.. my second was born at 10:15am the next morning.. good luck.. mabey thats what they are going to try before pitosin.. my experience was much better the second time cause i didn get hooked up to pitosin.. he was 8lbs 12oz 21inches long.. and i was 41wks+3
  • Were in the exact same boat. I'm getting induced on the 23rd too. Going in the night before at 6pm. I think maybe its because they want to make sure you have fluids and what not. Also there's this med that they give called cervidill (sp?) Its soposts soften and get you ready. But its given in doses so idk
  • @one5one lol ya I have good insurance :) I'm being induced mainly cuz I had a blood clot early on in pregnancy after having a kidney stone removed and they put me on blood thinners. My OB wants it to be a controlled labor so I can come off my blood thinners just in case I bleed too much or need a c section my blood won't be so thin that I bleed out.
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  • @somom @lae3 @newmommy817 @ ashleyfew
    So they will put the cervidill in the night I get there and not the next am? That would be awesome! My OB said she doesn't think ill need pitocin cuz I'm already dialating and I'm thin and ripe. She thinks the cervidill will be enough and my body will do the rest. I don't want pitocin if I can help it. They said things will start at 7am the 23rd that's y I was thinking they put the cervidill in then, but I couldn't figure out y I needed to be there the night before. That would be so cool if they gave it to me on the 22nd :)
  • @ashleyfew ^ sry didn't tag u right.
  • that med for ur cervix usually dont start working til the 2nd r 3rd dose so thats probably y they said 7. I only needed 2 doses and my contraction got really close together so they started me on a small amount of pitocin.. I had her 5 hrs later :)
  • @Ittybitty YAY! you got me all excited now :) I hope mines fast like urs (this is my 1st). Dis the pitocin make ur contractions horrible?
  • Cervical ripner?? Hell can't she just stay home and have sex one more time before she is restricted for 6 to 8 weeks? Doesn't sperm ripen the cervix?
  • I go in at 8 pm on the 22nd too. I cannot wait
  • Thats what they did with me I had my apt 8am the followimg morn.. I walked around after it desolved 35_45 min.. I had to lay in bed.. So I was determaned they said I could walk.. Most dont but it got my contractions going
  • I honestly couldnt tell ya. lol.. I had 3 strong contractions back to back and they gave me the epid when I was only 2-3cm. I felt absolutely nothing after that. no pressure or nothing.. they had to stop the epid because I couldnt feel to push..
    I hope ur labor was as easy as mine :)
  • @Mama_luvs_her_girls sex does ripen it but not as fast as cervidill does. And trust me ill have sex before I go in lol. 6 wks is too long!
  • @Misssunflower Omg were gonna have to race eachother to the finish line!
  • @lae3 nice ill keep that in mind too. I heard cervidill burns ur cooch tho. Is it true for everyone?
  • @Ittybitty well ill be sharing my labor story. I'm glad u didn't feel it. I hope the epi works for me if I decide to get it. I'm gonna see how things go 1st :)
  • @Kingsmama tell me about it!! I have no man to have sex with!! I should have thought about that before I left him in Texas
  • @kingsmama we should totally text eachother lol
  • @Mama_luvs_her_girls or got a cup full to go lol :P
  • @Misssunflower ok! My number is 703 986 9876. U can add me on fb too kristen04@Comcast.net or under kristen barker king :)
  • it didnt burn with me..
    I cant take pain so I knew from the get go I was gertting a epid. lol
  • no it didnt burn me.. some are more sensitive i guess
  • @Kingsmama and @Misssunflower when are you or were you due? ill be 5 days over due when I go in on the 22nd for my induction. my dr doesn't think ill go before that. =/ boo
  • @newmommy817 ill be just over 37 weeks. I am due Sept 10. Won't you join our texting club? Ha ha
  • @Misssunflower urrr you're lucky. I've been beggin my dr to induce me since 37 weeks. I was the lucky 1 in 200 pregnant women to get the PUPPS rash. So it is no fun itching all the time. =) and I would love to join but I don't have text on my phone. Internent - yes texting - no. I'm not a big fan of texting. But I will keep you both posted. Wonder who will give birth first.

    What are you having?
  • @newmommy817 oh boo I hate the over due club mammas :( my original dd is Sept 6th. I'm having my 1st its a boy what about u? And ya u can join r texting and fb race club I'd u like :) as @Misssunflower said
  • @kingsmama I'm having a girl. As I said to @misssunflower I don't have texting on my phone. But I will deff. keep both of you updated on the process and birth.
  • @newmommy817 ok awesome. I'm gonna do the same I'm so excited for us! Can't wait!
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