why r they bringing me in the night before induction?



  • @newmommy 817 awww man. I'm sorry. I've heard of Pupps. It sounds awful. My stomach is completely covered with stretch marks and those itch so badly. I wonder which one of us will have lo's first
  • @misssunflower I got bad stretch marks too lol
  • Mine r weeping fluid. Do urs do it too? They burn now too and I can't sit up cuz my sweat hurts sooo much on them.
  • @misssunflower @Kingsmama water broke about 2hrs ago.. here I go.
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  • @newmommy817 yay!! Keep us posted
  • I just got back from my doctor I am 3cm dialated and she can feel his head!
  • @newmommy817 Omg Omg Omg I'm so excited! Congratulations hun u can do it! Keep us posted!
  • @Misssunflower my Dr can feel my boys head too. Last week I got checked I was 1cm and 50% soft and ripe. Been having some pretty rough contractions today, knowing my luck tho he will stay put until Monday when I go in. He's been super active tho. Got a 3d pic today but his nose is all smushed cuz he has no more room lol.
  • @misssunflower @kingsmama Lillyana Michelle Costa was born tonight at 8:46 pm weight was 7lbs 13oz and she was 20 in long. She is the perfect baby and came on her due date. Altho it was not a fun labor and ended up having to get a c section after being in labor for 32 hrs. My body just didn't want to open more than 8 cm.
  • Omg congratulations mama! I'm so proud of u! Glad ur enjoying ur lil one :) and hopefully ur c section wasn't too rough on u :)
  • @newmommy817, mine ended in a c section too, but to be honest that was a good thing for me. How are you feeling? Try to start getting slowly active. I was walking the same day to the bathroom when the nurses would help me get clean, tmi, and I was allowed to go home within two days and this is my first baby too! Now its 9 days later and I feel great :) CONGRATULATIONS!!! Have fun with your beautiful new baby :)
  • @AKmommy she is one of the most cute babies I have ever seen. Congratulations hun, enjoy ur new bundle of joy :)
  • Congratulations! I am so excited for you hun! Best of luck on your recovery!
  • I have had 2 inductions, so unless u r high risk or something, I don't c y they r doing that. My inductions weren't scheduled, but I'm pretty sure its all about the same process. Fluids, petocin, wait, wait, wait more, hope ur water breaks eventually, get ur epidural (or not) and push.... Idk y they think u need to b there early.
  • @charlotteb ya I am high risk. I have a blood clotting disorder so they want labor and delivery controlled for me. I made a post to someone explaining a bit more in detail on the 14th if u care to look over it. If u got any ?s about it I'm more than happy to answer them :) and I asked at my last appt they want me in the night before so the cervidill can work over night before my Dr comes the next am.
  • They don't even use that stuff here.
  • @misssunflower @kingsmama how did the inductions go?
  • @newmommy817 I posted a thread titled "my son was born during an earthquake" and he literally was!
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