when did u begin to "feel" pregnant?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 7+5 and.....I don't feel pregnant. It worries me. *sigh* :-S


  • It will hit at any moment, cherish your "feel good" days. Maybe you will be lucky with no morning sickness...I was not so lucky.(26 weeks now and feeling very pregnant) :)
  • I generally eat like a pig, but I don't find food as appealing these days. I may get a cramp here or there. Some days sensitive boobies....but nothing that really shouts" hey! You're pregnant!"
  • Yeah in the beginning you may not feel much, have you been to the doctor
  • I went at 5 weeks where they confirmed it. I have my first prenatal appt on Wednesday.
  • Then u should be fine, some plp's pregnancies our a breeze! :)
  • Maybe its bc im" getting used" to it. When I first found out, I was scared to do anything....now, im accustomed to the idea of being pregnant so im not walking on eggshells like a few weeks ago. Thank u...talking about it makes me feel a lil more at ease.
  • :) your welcome, in between doctor visits is nerve racking because u always wonder if everything is ok. Stay strong and don't stress that little one loves you so much already!
  • Awww! <3 that means so much. Thank u!!!
  • I was peeing a lot more But as far as feeling pregnant I got my morning sickness about eight weeks and I have been sick and all since then. Twenty weeks now.
  • I went out partying with my girls, ordered my favorite drink, smelled it, and felt nauseous. I knew right then. Sure enough, test came back positive 2 days later.
  • I'm 17w and i still don't feel pregnant lol
  • I honestly still don't feel pregnant. Im 21 weeks with no symtoms to speak of. I also have an anterior placenta so I barely ever feel my baby girl move. Its frustrating but it's also a blessing. Im glad its been so easy so far, hopefully it stays this way :)
  • It only really hit me when I saw the baby move on the ultrasound. I didn't cry, but both me and hubby got a little teary. Its also really nice to know that the baby already loves you :)
  • I started to feel pregnant around six weeks. Super sore breasts and bloating like crazy. I'm 8 weeks Now. It comes and goes. I try not to worry to much about It. I already saw the heart beat Last week, yay! My next appointment is next month. It seems so far away.
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  • edited February 2011
    :-) is it psychological, or do u really FEEL pregnant?
  • @VictoriaB Isn't it the most precious thing that our babies already loves us? Omg! It moves me so much :)
  • Oh man it hit me like a ton of bricks the day I took a hpt... was throwin up all day and I was tired. But it didn't feel like I was sick... Idk... it was the first thing I thought because af was already 6 days late so I tested two positives... been sick everyday since! Only 6 weeks 3 days today! Ready for this part to be over
  • I had no morning sickness or anything. I just felt like I was going to start my period and very tired. From what I hear that's normal. Im 16 weeks now with a belly bump. U will be fine
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