Im so sorry your having to deal with this, I hope your not in hospital alone. Your entitled to get more information before you agree to go along with what the hopsital are wanting you to do. They cannot force you to take anything. Goodluck
Im so sorry your having to deal with this, I hope your not in hospital alone. Your entitled to get more information before you agree to go along with what the hopsital are wanting you to do. They cannot force you to take anything. Goodluck
@prayin4agurl I work at a hospital and I know how the patient/nurse thing works. If your new nurse has the same attitude about not wanting to do another u/s tell her you want you talk to the charge nurse immediately and tell the charge RN you want another u/s. You can also tell the charge RN you want a different nurse to take over as well.
If you want to make sure and feel like you have been rush....please speak up and demand another one. And tell her ass you didn't ask all that! You asked for an u/s period!
If your not having contractions and they will not double check with another ultrasound you have someone take you to axnother hospital now they'll change their attitude or you can go somewhere else where they'll check its better to be safe than sorry you have the right to a second opinion your baby could be alive and if it is you better sue the hell out of that dr
Im so sorry to hear this. My husband ani went through several mc before this pregnancy. We were so scared we wernt ever going to be able to have a baby due to his cancer. Luckily now im 28 w 4 days! Don't give up. Everything happens for a reason
You definitely need a second opinion hun, demand it and say you will refuse all treatment until you get another opinion! Praying for you hun! Sorry for your loss if it turns out to be the case
Thinking about you. Get a second opinion be a bitch, who cares at this point you need to talk to a doctor find out what's happening. Good luck and going for the best.
So sorry for your loss hun. I know the feeling I've been there. I lost mine in march as well. Now im 7 weeks again. nothing can take that pain away from you. Don't let any one tell you that you can't grieve it was just a baby you didn't have yet.. I had a lot of people tell me that and I straight told them a loss is a loss I don't care how far along!! Hang in the hun. God has a reasoning behind everything!
Please please ask them until you get that ultrasound!! Pester them if you need to! I feel that they are rushing you & it doesn't seem right! Remember you can refuse meds until you get an ultrasound. This hospital seems uncaring in their actions! To blow you off when asked to confirm the status of your child is ignorance on their part! Please don't be bullied into what they want. I'm very surprised that they didn't do a 2nd or 3rd ultrasound before they decided to induce you!
I asked the other Dr. She say the same thing. I'm bout to go the fuck off. If my baby is born alive I'm gone sue the fuck out of them. I'm starting to have cramps now.