loss my baby :(



  • Omg !!!! Hoping for the best :(( I can't stop thinking about you
  • So did u get an us or did they just review the first one?
  • @prayin4agurl You need to speak to someone in charge. Let them know that no one has explained to you what is going on, that the u/s tech didn't allow you time to understand what was going on and that she was in a hurry. Something about this situation is beyond messed up and it appears as though you are being treated like less than a human. :(

    I had a miscarriage last September and had 2 ultrasounds (3 days apart) to confirm before they referred me to a doctor to perform a D&C. YOU HAVE THIS RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING! DON'T LET THEM TREAT YOU AS IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO GRASP THE SITUATION. BE A BITCH!
  • @kayleigh27 no I haven't felt the baby move.
  • Hun I am am so sorry you are going through this. =((
  • @thekellikelli they just viewed the first one
  • Girl there lucky its you and not me id prob have started choking people I feel crazy for ya ring that call light everytime they leave the room till you get another us
  • sorry to hear that.. =(( i will be praying for your strength .. and i hope you get some awnsers about your miscariages.. I always get scared and cry when i hear about these situations.. cause you never know.. what god has planned
  • I've had a miscarriage and I was a train wreck for the longest time the lord does everything for a reason but I've seen an idiot dr kill a child by his ignorance before I'm in the medical field and just because they have a degree doesn't always make them credible were all human and prone to error
  • Ask for the head nurse, amid they don't comply ask for the person over thm! This is ridiculous, you just want confirmation!
  • Ugh... I'm frustrated for u. U really needa get a 2nd u/s as soon as possible while u stil may hav some time. Speak up this is ur child. Being a mother its ur job to protect ur litl 1.. thers stil the possibility things cld b fine. I dnt mean to sound rude an my heart truely goes out to u, an I'm not at the hosp wwith u witnessing what's goin on but the situation from a readrs point of view seems really messd up.. prayers for u an ur baby
  • My prayers & thoughts are with u... I lost my baby in May... I would definitely get another opinion... I git 4 before i let them take my baby... U have the right 2 request anything... Have them put it in writing that the are refusing your ultrasound... If i were u I would jump out of bed & demand it... Don't except what they are telling u & don't be quiet about it & do it now b4 its to late... U don't ever want 2 b wondering what if...
  • Doesn't the hospital have a patient advocate you can call to try and help you out with getting a different doctor or nurse?

    The hospital I delivered at did... If yours does they could be a helpful resource.

    Saying prayers for you.
  • edited August 2011
  • You and your little one are in my prayers. I would also take everyones advice and get another opinion
  • You and your little one are in my prayers. I would also take everyones advice and get another opinion
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  • Grr dumb phone sent that 3 time's
  • Any update?
  • edited August 2011
    i am seriously sorry you're going through this..it seems like a shady hospital. i wish i was there i would be calling everyone..i'm seriously PISSED..just remember its not over until GOD says so!! forget the "nurses"..
  • Cytotec kill full term babies. My son died in labor due to the cytotec. You need o to a make them listen to you or go to another hospital
  • Worried [-O< :-ss :-(
  • I hope your doin ok mamaz!!
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  • I am so sorry that you are going through this right now I couldn't possibly imagine how hard it must be. You and your family will be in our prayers. Please keep us all updated and I really do hope fpr a miracle.
  • This no update thing is keeping me on edge...I hope she got a second opinion/answers.
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