So depressed

edited August 2011 in Depression
so much is going on lately. I cant handle it. I cant handle my boys. They are totally out of control. They dont listen what so ever. My youngest has started running from us when we trying to talk to him. He is getting worse every day. Today he took off running towards the street. Hes 2 and im 5 1/2 months preg and had to chasing him and he mad it to the street. I seriously thought I was going to loose him. Anyways.
On top of dealing with 2 boys who I cant handle or control I got evicted from our home and my husband lost his job. We had to pack up everything and put most in storage. We living with my mom and her boyfriend. It is not a healthy place. They both smoke without regard to me or my 2 boys. They have 3 cats, 2 dogs and 2 birds. It is a tiny 3bd wanna be house. The boyfriend has no respect for the dogs and treats them like crap. I dont want my kids in this environment. But I dont have a choice. This is a temp move til we somehow find our own place with no job. I just dont know how much more I can take. I am loosing sanity very fast.
Im sorry but I needed to put it down somewhere. Im am feeling very depressed.


  • I'm sorry mama! I understand how you would be feeling that way! I have a 4 year old that doesn't listen to me either and makes me sooo nutty sometimes! I know things are looking bad for you right now but be grateful that you have somewhere for you and your boys to stay(and that your little one survived running into the street) :) thankfully its just temporary! Try to stay strong and think positive mama, sometimes things get bad before they get GREAT! I hope things get great for you guys soon! :) if you need someone to talk to I'm here to listen! Good luck!
  • Best wishes to you and your sanity. I hear you about little boys. My son has started acting out cause this pregnancy is a hard one so hes seeking attention and hes suddenly a lot faster then I am so he knows he can get away
  • Apply for homeless so u can get cash aid and food stamps im sure they put u n a hotel then pay for ur frist monthes rent and deposit
  • @roxy I have applied for food and financial. We havent heard back for food yet. But my husband is now getting uneployment so we dont qualify for financial.
    Thank you everyone for responding. Its been pretty hard lately and then life just keeps throwing stuff at me. And then I have been having lots of pain from this pregnancy. And I am just down. But thank you for listening.
  • I am sorry you are going through all this! Try to focus on the positive, even if there isn't much!! You, your hubby & your boys are all healthy! (or so I assume)ill be praying for you and you work/living situation! Good luck momma!
  • How about lie & say he left. Theyll get him for child support ,but at least u have extra cash for now. pray & pray god well here ur prayers
  • Are there any housing programs where you live?
  • @jess510 im going to go there monday and try to get some kinda help.
  • Things will get better. Change will result in something better, it always does. Pray about it.
  • sorry girl and i was there about 2 years ago we had to live with my mil in a tiney room while i was prego with my 2nd and it was horrible.. i myself would get rid of the animals if i couldnt have them.. i know how much we love our pets but .. if theyre not treated well.. also.. my 16month old is a runner and im 31+1 pregnant and huge.. so its tireing chasing him.. but i confine him.. if he doesnt listen.. ive been doing this for about 3 months and it seems to be working cause he listens when i say stay now.. and when he doesnt listen i put him in his stroller and tell him if you dont listen you dont play.. lol.. he hates it.. and i live by grounding and time out..heheheh.. my oldest gets grounded for big things and for lil stuff time out.. starting at around 5 yrs old i started grounding him by taking his toys.. he was alowed to have his books.. and art stuff.. for a day or sometimes just a few hours.. he knew i was seriouse.. the hardest thing for me about our old situation would be no privicy and my mil trying to be her normal grandma self .. i constantly told her while we live here you have to ask to give out kid soda and treats.. i know stupid right.. not when she buys my son a 12pk of soda .. mind you hes hyper without it.. and i wonder why hes bouncing off the walls then find out later about it.. ugh.. she thought we were being mean but dam... im like when your watching the kids and were not around have at .. go for it! there in your hands and you have to deal with the after good luck girl!!! i mean that from the bottom of my heart %%-
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