
edited August 2011 in September 2011
I want to get my lil man circumcised but his dad is totally against it. Who all has gotten their lil ones circumcised and what were the results? Did it hurt the baby alot And what are you guys opinions about circumcision?


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  • I got my baby circumsized and I will again for the next baby, I wasnt with him in the room when he got it done, husband was and he said he barely cried, then he was just cranky the first day and after that he was totally fine, we just kept squeezing tons of neosporin on it with every diaper change, it healed in a week.
  • I am getting it done but they do not allow u in the room where I am having my baby...but I think it is just personal preference u can teach a child how to clean themselves early in life if they do not get it done...good luck
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  • I had my first son done and this baby will be as well...just think about it this way a baby will not remember it, while a teenage boy who wants it done could possibly be scarred for life and have that (I'm assuming) horrible memory/experience....IMO...
  • I will b havin my son circumcised. He will b ok. All the men n my family r. I think if it as the same thing as piercin ur child ears when their a baby.
  • I didn't get it done. I didn't like the whole tieing up thing. I was just told at the hospital that needed to pull his little sling back gently and clean the area. He is 5 month and still no infecyion. Thank god
  • My first son had it done and my new baby will to. I wasnt in the room with him i was way to sad so hubby went with him and i was sad for about three day. I could tell it hurt him every time he went pee so im not looking forward to haven to relive this all over again.
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  • We got my sons done and I dont regret it. The information they gave me was healthier for MY son to get it done. Like it was said above its a personal preference fiance wanted it as well.we agreed weeks before I had him that he would be circumcised. I beleive they numb it. You can ask your dr for some more information about it so youll know the right decision.
  • I didn't want to get our son done but my husband flew off the handle. We were heading to divorce over our child's penis. I still regret giving in and getting it done *sooo happy this ones a girl*
    Any medical befits don't really apply out side of third world countries
  • We had our sons done...he was on 1 day old...I cried...he didn't
    ..we weren't in the room but right outside the door...they used a numbing ointment and put ut on an hr before then fave him lil tylenol...he's acted fine. Good luck with whatever u decide mama!
  • I have a 9 yr old who isn't and a 2 yr old that is. They have different father's. My 9 yr olds dad didn't want it done and I didn't have a preference at that time. When my husband and I found out we were having a boy it was an argument. I didn't want it done since my other child wasn't done and I didn't see the point of it. He won because he said I let my ex choose for his child and I wasn't giving him the same respect. I have a friend who is cut and wishes he wasn't. He has heard that if your uncut you have more sensations. (Not sure how you could prove that) It isn't as popular as it once was but everybody is going to have their own opinions on it. Not being cut isn't any less clean than being cut.
  • My son had it done. I asked the guys in my life, my brother in law, a close male friend, and actually my own dad. And they all are glad they had it done. My sons father wanted to have my son cut so he would look like him. So I did it for cosmetic reason but I don't regret it. He didn't cry he has never had a problem with it. He is two and a half
  • My 3 yr old is. It was done at the hospital with very little crying or crankiness. It's very easy to care for and clean. My son due in Nov will be also!
  • Ps...I don't believe its mutilation in any way.
  • I definitely will be circumcising my son. My husband isn't circumcised and wishes he was.. I do too maybe too much info..but when we have sex sometimes he gets like little paper cuts on his skin . It hurts him and it will happen for the rest of his life.. its so worth to just get circumcised and be done with it in my eyes.
  • My son is circumcised and that was our preference. He got it done before we left to go home from the hospital. Getting it done as a baby is the best option because they don't remember the pain. It healed very fast and I'm glad I got it done :)
  • we will not be circumsizing our son. When he is older if he wants to be he can make that decision. its his body not mine. I will keep his foreskin clean until he is old enough to clean it himself and i will teach him how too. my bf is circumcized and he has said he hates that someone made a decision about his body that he didn't get a choice on.
  • My son is not and he is 2.5 and never had an issue. Most Dr.s now will tell u it is unnessessary. Also there are nerve ending that are permanently lost, a Dr showed me the difference in sensation that is lost my tickling the palm of my hand and then the back...I felt a definate difference. Also my dad is not and one of my husbands good friends is not and both said they've never had an issue and recommended we don't do our son. Also I reasoned most of the population of Europe is not and they don't hav tons of men getting infections all the time. My son can make his own choice someday, and I'm happy I didn't rob him of that choice.
  • We won't be circumcising. It took me a while to convince the husband that cosmetic reasons weren't enough.

    From what I've read in my pregnancy books, there is no definite training on circumcision nor procedure. Sometimes they use a cream, sometimes they give a shot, and sometimes they don't give any pain medication. When taking care of foreskin they tell you not to force its movements, but when they circumcise they take a clamp and forcefully pull it upward. There could be medical interns doing this who aren't formally trained since the only consensus seems to be "tie the baby down and cut it off".

    It just freaked me out.
  • We had our son's done a few days after birth, he is now 7. It was done at his pediatricians office...nurse held him while Dr did the procedure. He was numbed in the area beforehand. He cried for a couple of seconds just like when he got his immunizations. It healed quickly and I'm glad we had it done. We are also getting our son who is due late Oct done. I don't believe its mutilation but is a personal choice of each parent.
  • Same here, 2 intact boys. Clean it like a fingernail, its easy and besides the foreskin is fused to the head until they are much older. My research about why not to do it and seeing it done, led me to not have it done. :)
  • edited August 2011
    And the helpful research and reasons from the pediatrician on why its not necessary.
  • It was a debate with my husband over having my first circumsized or not. I didn't want to worry that later in life it would cause any kind of embarassment or other kids making fun of him. I know those aren't the best reasons for wanting it done. My husband was in many sports in school and I'm fairly active and played sports as well. I know guys all shower together and I could just see him being harassed in HS by mean boys. Well hubby agreed and we had it done. We weren't allowed to be with him while it was done but the nurses say he did very well. He never was cranky or cried when he came back.
    Well after a while (month or so) his forskin started growing back. We took him to a pediatric urologist around 9 months old. Our family dr sugguested to make sure it was ok. The specialist said they have 2 ways of doing circu,cisions and the way it looks like my sons was done they have a cap and its pretty much "one size fits all" but it doesn't always. They say chances are very high that once his penis grows, you won't be able to tell.
    I'm having another son in nov and I am planning on having him circumsized as well.
  • well based upon on what I red here im getting him done im due sept 26 thanks so much
  • I agree with circumcision. If I was having a boy I would get it done. The dad would want one done too. We had discussed it before we knew the sex. But maybe next baby.
  • Circumcision is the best thing you can do for ur child! My nephew came home crying because his stuff was different from everyone's in the bathroom (pretty sad but funny) sad to say he went thru that pain at the age of 9 and he couldn't be happier! The whole losing feeling thing I really don't care about my sons sex life enough to have that as a reason not have him circumcised everyone in my family is and I've never heard that best friend is not circumcised and he hates it but refuses to have someone cut his penis as an adult! All 3 of his boys are! So you get different responses from different ppl not everyone's experience is the same needless to say my 7 year old is circumcised and my bby due in 10 days will be too!
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