17 dpo and...

I got another bfn =( but no af yet..not even symptoms of her showing her ugly face this month. Usually I get the worst back cramps like 3 days prior, and I break out..well none of that yet. She is due tomorrow. Ughhh im so confused.


  • where to go? the ER?
  • thanks hun..ill have to wait until monday, they arent open during the weekend
  • I had my bfp 3 days after af was late! It was so frustrated! It was 22 dpo for my cycle! And my first bfp came from dollar tree test.lol! The real brands kept coming back negative until 25 dpo!!
  • maybe there is still hope..I bought a walgreens test..ugh i wish i could jsut walk in the DR now and they would just draw my blood grr
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  • I didn't get a bfp untilled 2 days after missed period So there is still hope!
  • thank u so much ladies. and lol at amyduh ...atleast im not the only impatient one
  • Good luck today
  • Ok so yesterday I took a test, I got another bfn..well after like an hour later I was so bummed I just wanted to look at it again and then it had a cross (meaning positive) but it was extremely faint. Im so confused. grr well AF still didnt show her face and today is day 32 since my last period. So Im going to take one more test on Wednesday if AF dont show, if I get a bfn I give up.
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