5 weeks old and eating every 30 minutes to an hour?! Help please!!

edited August 2011 in Babies
I breastfeed my 5 week old son but all day today he's been super fussy, eating every thirty minutes to an hour, if I can get him to sleep he only sleeps for 20 minutes max and wakes up screaming and hungry again. I know he has bad gas and I've given him gas drops about 5 times today but he's still hungry, fussy, and hurting. What do I do?! @HomeBirthAdvocate any advice?


  • Maybe ur bot getting enough milk to him?
  • have you tried propping him up in a bassinet or anything? that can help with gas/ acid reflux. babies do go on growth spurts and binge sometimes. it's fairly normal for this to happen occasionally. also when he naps, are you holding him? laying him down? in a swing or bassinet? try switching it to a calm, quiet and dark place. sometimes it's just the environment that babies have difficulties sleeping in.
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  • I've pumped today to make sure and I usually pumped 3 to 5oz. I had fed him for 10 min before I pumped and pumped 3oz so he's getting enough. He's also been pooping and peeing regularly. That's why I'm so confused :( @SalasMommy
  • I am no expert what so ever im only a FTM but I did work in my preschools infant classroom for 2 years and i remember a lot of kids would eat very little somedays and TUNS another. Maybe he is just really hungry today? I know I get that way some days I dont eat some days I eat all day lol
  • @survivormommie3 and @caffeinated_katie I didn't think about a growth spurt. I hope that's it! And I've tried laying him flat, laying him on my chest, and propping him up in his boppy, he screams with it all :(
  • Something is bothering him he's eating for comfort. Go see his dr because there's something wrong our one son did
  • I agree with above sounds like a growth spurt. I believe they usually have one around 6 weeks give or take a little of course. Good luck :)
  • @5lilangels what was wrong with your son? And that's exactly what I've been thinking all day but I didn't want to take him to the er if it was just gas :(
  • can you just call his pediatritian and get an apt same day.. i know mine does.. i nurse and i know when my son was feeling under the wether he would eat more.. for comfort..
  • i would call the doc tomorrow and just ask for the 6 wk checkup to be sooner to discuss his sleeping pattern- or lack thereof.
  • @BentleysMommy my daughter did that at about that age. Her dr called it clustering. Where it almost seems one feeding is going into another.
  • My mom always gave us a little cereal. She says when the baby isn't satisfied with just milk its cereal time. Just make it really runny. It helps jeep baby full longer
  • Yeah, I'll just call tomorrow and see if they'll reschedule. It was supposed to be on the 30th. @survivormommie3 @lae3

    @cethridge Did they tell you what to do or when it would go back to normal?
  • @ bentleysmommy it could be just gas. Some gas mess don't do the trick. Our son had really bad gas. I don't think its something too bad just call his dr.
  • I knw babies hit a growth spurt arnd 6 weeks. An breast milk isn't as thick as formula so they don't stay full as long. Jus stick it out, I know its exhausting but it wil eventually straighten out. The best way to adjust ur milk according to ur bby is nurse thru the whole growth spurt so ur makin more as baby needs more. Goodluck
  • Ok, sounds like it is deffinitly a growth spurt. Do not substitute with formula this will only last a couple of days.
    Also thickness of breast milk compared to formula is not why they don't stay full as long, breastmilk is just easier for babies to digest.
    This will happen more than once as your baby grows, just go with the flow it won't last forever just a couple of days you do not need to call the doc lol. Just go with it and he will be fine, settle back to a more normal feeding scheduel and then in a few weeks will do it again
  • @littlefae that's what I meant with the formula breastmilk thing lol I didn't mean to sound dumb lol
  • @breewashington08 you weren't sounding dumb! Don't think that! I know it can be a pain to try and explain things through text no biggie :)
  • I believe 5 weeks is a common growth spurt age. Hang in there momma, he will get better in a day or two!
  • He slept for 4 hours :) and he woke up without screaming so hopefully it's getting better. I'm feeding him right now.
  • Going with growth spurt too :) Breastfed babies go through them a little bit sooner than ff babies, its easier to digest too :)
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Okay, I'll try that! Thanks!
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