Any oct moms dilated and effaced yet?

edited August 2011 in October 2011
Im due oct 26th.ive been 1 cm dilated since 24 weeks 40% effaced since last week and babygirl is low.
Whats everyones status and due date?


  • Me.:) due Oct.1st at a 1.5 and 30% but been having premature contractions since week 28. She's very low as well. I call it "locked and loaded":) My pelvis has been throbbing! But I love her anyways!
  • I'm due Oct 25th and Dr won't check me but my pelvic feels bruised and hurts so bad. I can't even lift one leg at a time... and as for a good nights sleep,forget it :( I'm so over it!
  • @mrs4c congrats!dr wants to see me make ay least 34 weeks.i think I can wing it lol.any names?
  • @amipregnant dr becausr im at risk for preterm labor..when does yours check u? I would.ask . M
  • Her name is Lauren Ava Foresee.:) yeah you can hang in there! I started having pre-term labor issues at week 28 I'm now 34 weeks.:) And that's with a positive ffn! The bedrest and pelvic rest I think has helped me a lot to keep her in.
  • I'm not sure when he will check me but I'm almost positive I'm dilated. I also was in l and d at 27 weeks with regular contractions. I had to have 2 shots of breatheem ( not sure on spelling) to stop them. I'm schedualed for c section on the 19 th so hopefully she will stay put. Does your pelvic hurt?
  • @mrs4c her name is beautiful! I had preterm labor at 24 weeks and also tested positive for ffn.theyve had me on bedrest but its been a little hard to follow with hubby working long hours and so much needing to be mom thinks ill go in two weeks lije I said I think I can wing it lol
    @amipregnant yeah they gave me two rounds of steroids pelvic hurts causr of pressure and occasional spasms
  • My doctor hasn't checked me yet either. But when I went in to l&d 2 weeks ago I was only a fingertip dialated. I found out my induction date today though!! Im due oct. 5th but will get induced on September 29th!!
  • Oct 15th, cervix closed up tight as of this morning. Looking at inducement Oct 8th. But I think she has her own plans I can't figure out.
  • edited August 2011
    Ooh this is exciting. I'm due October 7th and it's possible that I might be starting to dilate?? I won't start getting checked for another 2-3 weeks.
  • I'm due October 3rd and wont know for a couple of weeks, my OB doesn't check until the 36 week appointment (unless you're high risk).
  • @loveourlittleone the only reason they checked me was because I had contractions a.few weeks ago.they would like to see me make at least 34weeks if I do go into early not due till the 26th
  • I got checked im due Oct 31st but they're giving me an ultrasound on the 30th this month to see if my due date is off because im fingertip (which is a 1) & 16% effaced so I could go early which I hope Im ready to meet my baby
  • Oct 5 n doc hasn't checked me yet....
  • As of last week no dialation yet. Babys been in position for 3weeks now. Im 32&1 due oct 16th
  • I'm due Oct 31 I was really soft at 25 but they put me on procardia every for hours so now I'm firm again :( hope it starts changing but not to soon :)
  • I'm due the 25th also, but Dr won't start checking for about 6 more weeks.
  • I'm 32weeks, due October 18th... I've got nothing going on down there except a nasty infection. Yuck.
  • When does the Dr start checking? I am 31 weeks and he hasn't even mentioned it. And what does it consist of when I will get checked? Sorry ftm here lol.
  • @samantha im a ftm too so not sure im only getting checked this early because im at risk for preyerm labor and have been dilated since 24weeks.all they do is insert fingers up there lol when ya due
  • I'm due Oct. 1st and I have no idea! Should I be worried they haven't checked?
  • @Alyssa_mae no like I said.the.only reason im getting checked so early and often is bcuz of preterm labor
  • Okayy @mybamybambina28 i was kind of starting to panic lol goodness being a ftm is intense! Lol
  • I swear I typed @mybambina28 but apparently I had a typing mishap lol sorry!
  • Ok thank you. I am due 10/22. When are you due
  • @Carsons_mommy why are u getting induced so early? I ask because I'm due oct 6. I asked my doc if I could be induced on the 7th if he doesn't come and she told me no smh, that would only happen if something was wrong with the baby.
  • Got checked yesterday 32+3......nothing
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