Any oct moms dilated and effaced yet?



  • due oct 21 my dr doesnt do checks until labor.. shes more of a natural waiter.. lol.. but she will if i ask but i wont bother to do that till im at least 38wks.. its pointless .. and besides i dont want to get excited over nothing.. lol.. my last two bys were 10days over
  • I'm due October 3rd. I have an appointment on Wendsday. They will check me then to see if I'm dialated at all. I really think I am. I have been having contractions & pains since 25 weeks. Had to got to l&d then. We'll see if our new lil guy will hold out until October 3rd, but my husband & I don't think he will. He has been very low down since 25 weeks. @ 32 weeks he was head completely in my pelvic bone so we'll see on Wendsday I'll post then. Good luck ladies.
  • I'm due oct 20 100% efaced and dialated to 4 stuck on bed rest
  • 34+3 (due oct 9) and Dr hasn't checked yet but probably will next Thursday! Hope he says I'm at least a little bit dilated!
  • well, my dr ended up checking since she was.looking to see if I had a yeast infection and since she was down there decided it would hurt to check...
    And nothing lol no dialation or anything though baby is head down and a bit low :)

    Im due Oct 3rd and was checked at 34 weeks
  • Wouldnt hurt to look
  • I'm 35+1 have an appointment Thursday but I don't think they will check till my 36 week appt but I'm gonna ask
  • I'm 35+3 due Oct2 and I find out nx week...
  • Got checked again today dilated half a cm more now and now 50% effaced
  • Im 34weeks 1 day in labor 3 & 50% baby coming soon :( scared...
  • I'm 34 weeks, due Oct 9 I haven't been checked yet but just getting those pelvic/vaginal pressure pains in the morning. No swelling overall I feel great.
  • I'm 35 wks-2 days went to dr Tuesday he says I am 1cm dilated & 50% effaced. :-)
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  • I"m almost 35 wks & can't wait to get checked. I don't think she'll start checking till I'm full-term but she said that when she does check me, if I'm even 2-3 dilated, she'll admit me to L&D! So hopin that means I won't be one of those women waiting & waiting PAST their due date!
  • I'm due on the 25 and my doctor hasn't checked me yet
  • Wow some of you are more dilated than I ever got with my last baby after I laid in the hospital a whole day I was a a whole two centimeters and things started to go wrong and I had to have a c section but everything has been different with this pregnancy so maybe I will go in a be ready to have him there in the office this week . You never know that is the fun part about being a parent you can never plan anything and expect it to go according to plan! But going over sucks hope u all go just a little early as long as baby is ready.
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