Its my turn ladies. Omw to L&D! update #2

edited August 2011 in Labor
I'm in the car right now gotta be at the hospital in 1.5hrs but I live kinda far. Listening to Ludacris "grew up a screw up" its an awesome song and talks about him growing up and making it big even tho he's black and was told he'd amount to nothing. The beginning is about him being an embryo then having his stroller and osh kosh tricked out....just listen to it! I'll update once I get my room and something happens :) wish me luck and for an easy labor and delivery!

They came in and just broke my water. The rn is watching him for a min on the monitors and will then start pitocin :) ill update again soon mamas! It's 630am est btw.

9am just got my epi done. It wasn't bad at all just a big pinch, then my hips started to tingle and that was it :) now I feel great! They just checked me and I'm 2.5cm and 85-90% effaced :) he really wants to make.his debut lol. I'll update shortly!


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