Scared? Anyone?

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
What are your biggest fears, or what are you dreading most, as labor gets near?


  • Not knowing what to do, afraid that he won't be able to latch on, afraid that something goes wrong while delivering :( lol
  • My biggest fear is something being wrong with my baby or something bad happening during labor/delivery.
  • Im scared of the whole process... Not being able to take the pain... I dont want an epi... Im having alot of pain now and movement... Just the unknown...
  • I've had 2 children so I know expect and that's why I'm scared bloody hurts....I'm scared ill need a c sec or that something will go wrong...:-)
  • I'm horrified of having to have a c section
  • I think my biggest fear is something going wrong and my hubby having to decided between who lives and who doesnt. Its not something most parents talk about but my best friend almost died with her first so her and her hubby had to figure it out before thier 2nd. (She actually almost died then too) Since I am doing a VBAC and complications can arise we need to be prepared... its a hard decision for both parents.
  • Honestly I'm not scared of labor at all. I know its going to hurt, expecially all natural. But all I can do is pray that everything goes well.
  • i'm scared of the whole labor process... i've not been able to go to any birthing classes cause they /all/ conflict with my babysitting schedule... i can't not go babysit my niece, her momma needs to work.
  • I'm worried I won't know how to take care of my son, that I will have to run to the doctor for every little thing because I won't know what to do when he gets a cold or cut
  • Things that scare me about labor are her head fitting through the birth canal...her head is measuring 3 weeks big. I know I should be fine, but still girl's got a big head! And another is the epidural not working right, and then me feeling everything. I am not planning a natural birth.
  • I am scared my boy will be too big
  • First time mom so I'm afraid of just about everything above n beyond but I'll keep praying n keeping my faith in God that everything will be o.k and I will pray for you all as well.
  • at this very moment it's that i will miss my kids' first days of school. my daughter starts first grade tomorrow. it's her first- first day of school (I homeschooled last year) and my son starts kindergarten on Thursday. Aside from that I am afraid I will not make it to the hospital in time (i have to have a special delivery at the hospital 1 hr away). i am also scared that my daughter will ruin the reconstruction i had done during some other surgeries. and i am also afraid that my waters will break when i am not at home. lol. i have been lucky with my first 2- i just hope this one cooperates as well.
  • I'm scared of labor all together...I'm having twins and I hope and pray the 2nd one just slides right out lol! I'm also worried about their position. They're both head down now, but I've heard of twin mamas having the first baby vaginal and having to have 2nd baby c-section because he/she changed positions. Vaginal AND cesarean? That would be a nightmare! Lastly, I'm scared of both my waters breaking while I'm home alone.
  • I'm not so scared of the whole labor itself....I'm just terrified to have a BABY! I think just how much our lives will change and it won't just be just the two of us anymore, and no more sleep! :/
  • I'm terrified of the whole giving birth part. I'm also scared that little Sophia is not going to wait for my husband to come home, and that he is going to miss the birth. I am trying to take it as easy as possible, so I don't go into labor early.
  • My biggest fear is something mentally or physically wrong w/ her, her dying during birth, me being a bad mother, or someone abusing or hurting her n any way
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