delivered my son during the earthquake!



  • @dueinaugust11 I actually got my epi at about 3cm. It took the Dr about an hr to get to me and by then they were pretty intense. The contractions were pushing so hard I was leaking fluid like crazy and it was making me pee on the table but nobody cared. The rn was helping me breathe thru them but at that point I wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up! Pushing him out wasn't bad with the epi just TONS of pressure no real pain. But I did feel it when I tore but it wasn't painful just uncomfy. It felt like the bones in my bag were being spread beyond all belief but it still wasn't pain. It was easy for me and I hope its just as easy for u. Tag me when u have ur lil 1.
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  • Ugh I wish I would go into labor now :( I'm so tired of this waiting game. I hope my labor goes smoothly too, lol and congrats on your baby. I'm way jealous. Ill def tag you when I go into labor. <3 much lovve mama
  • @dueinaugust11 well hun I'm sending major labor dust ur way. Lemme know if it works!
  • @mshahir very true. They cleaned it up fast but it still didn't help that I knew I was doing it in front of like 6 ppl lol!
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