My screwed up (but totally worth it) labor story! It's sorta delayed..

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
Last Wednesday (August 24th) I went into the hospital at 4 AM to be induced. When I got there, everything was pretty textbook..urine, antibotics, got hooked up to the machines, started pitocin, etc. Well, with the Pitocin, they start you out slow, monitor the baby & contractions, then increase the dosage. Unfortunatly, they couldn't keep my baby on the monitor, so they couldn't increase the Pitocin. So, around 6 AM, my doctor came in, and told me the only way we were gonna be able to progress, is if he broke my water & inserted internal monitors for the baby. When he broke my water, he looks up at me and says, the baby had a bowel movement, it isn't much, but we're gonna monitor her closely, so there's nothing to worry about. I tried not to worry, but of course I did. Anywho, right after he broke my water, they started flushing my system with a mixture of fluids & Pitocin, and then the guy came in to give me an epidural. It's all downhill from there. He inserted & removed the epi 3 times before he finally thought he got it right. It took the edge off the contractions, but I could still feel them, and about an hour later, it wore off, so I called for more. I ended up eventually getting 3 more epidurals within the next 9 hours, & none of them worked, but I was dilated to 10cm, and the nurses were tired of hearing me scream my head off with every contraction, so they said I could start pushing. I did, and best believe I was giving it my all! She wouldn't come out. I was so exhausted & in SO much pain. I'd fall asleep as soon as a contraction started & wake up screaming as soon as one started. I was begging them to do SOMETHING, just ANYTHING! Finally around 5:30, they decided to do a c-section. I went into the O.R. around 6, I think. The guy who administered my spinal block pulled out the epi & told me I wasn't getting anything, because it wasn't even in my spine! No kidding me.. But, once I got the spinal, I laid there & finally got relief. My fianceé walked in and sat next to me & not 5 minutes later, we heard our daughter's first cry & seconds later saw her. Her head was horrible. Bruised & indented. Come to find out, she was stuck in my pelvic bones. She would have NEVER came out vaginally. My poor baby's head still has hickeys on it & is still horribly lopsided. My OB was pissed, because the nurses weren't telling him the whole story & they were trying to run the show. My baby's heartbeat was dropping as low as 55 BPM everytime i'd have a contraction! But, after almost 11 hours of natural childbirth with no progression & an amazingly successful c-section Abigail Lynn was born!

Abigail Lynn McBride
8 lbs 11 oz
21 inches
August 24 @ 6:16 PM

It was long & painful, but i'd do it 100 more times if I had to! It was so so so worth it! I'll add pictures as soon as I can!


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