Was anyone raped? :/

edited February 2011 in Teen moms
Was anyone raped and decided to keep the baby?


  • Yea it did. And im one who sees the positive i dont think about what happened anymore jus about the future. it wAs hard at first i jus took it as a blessing and couldnt be any happier wit my decision. I didnt kno the dude nor did i go to the police.. they couldnt have did anything anyways i believe he was long gone by the time i woke up. An i thought.about a counselor bt honestly i dont need one. I love my decision an i just believe god lets everythin happen for a reason ya kno :)
  • I didnt know who did it.
  • Sweetie so sorry to hear that, wish you and your angel miralces and blessings
  • That's so terrible,I'm sry to hear ya'll have gone thru this but ur not alone. The father of my baby I'm pregnant with now raped me. I found out he was cheating on me and I kicked him out... bout a month later he came barging into my house threw me down and had his way told me he would kill me if anyone else has been inside of me. He's a pig sadly I'm starting to think all men are! The things he did to me when we were together are endless. As for you hunny all the more power to you for over comming ur tragedy and making a precious life out of it.
  • ooh no does he kno?... An i dnt believe they are all jus most bt then i wudnt kno cuz i havent dated one in about four yrs.. An prolly never will again but u jus gotta keep ur head up an move on an thank yall
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  • I was raped when i was younger and i don't know what i would have done. You are so strong and God loves you and your baby. I hope its an easy pregnancy for you.
  • This happened to my ex-bestfriend she was 14 at the time she was afraid to tell her mom but ended up telling her at seven months into the pregnancy
  • This is making me tear up. Its a beautiful decision you made! You will be an amazing strong mother to your son or daughter to be. Xoxo hoping everything turns out perfectly for you!
  • My twins are a product of date rape, I was dating their father at the time. There ws enough evidence to prosecute, the police thought that I was just a 15 year old who got knocked up & was trying to get out of trouble by claiming rape. I have shared custody with him. But my boys are worth everything he has put me through & more. I also had a lot of support from my family & still do, they helped me work through everything, & I've never regretted a moment of keeping my boys. G'luck to you hun, you sound very strong, you'll make it.
  • Thank you guys for the encouraging words and feedback sad to say but im glad im not alone! Goodluck to you all wit ur lil bundles of joy! How far along are yall? Im 32 wks wit a boy named Laithan Khalil :)
  • Let me just say, you are a strong girl! Even I who doesnt believe in abortion isnt that strong...i dont know what I would do so more power to u girl, god makes everyt
  • Hing happen for a reason!
  • Thank u! before this happened i wasnt for abortion nor against it jus thought it depended on ur situation an when this happened.to me i thought ok this is a situation where abortion is necessary but... I JUS COULDNT DO IT... an now i can say i dont believe in abortion at all theres other options.. If i didnt decide to keep mines i would have gone for adoption but thats even harder in my opinion. but yes god has a plan for everyone an he wont leave ur side through it.
  • @shaakamrs32 I share your former beliefs about abortion. I support a woman's right to choice, particularly in cases of rape and incest. However, I know in my heart if I were to be in your situation, I would make the same choice as you. While the choice for abortion may be right for some people, and while I would never feel right taking away that choice, it is not the right option for me.

    One of my friends in high school was a product of rape. His mother is a strong, loving woman who gave/gives him all he needs, and she once told him she never regretted her decision to go through with the pregnancy nor her decision to keep him. She told him something along the lines of, "a forest may be destroyed by a fire, but there's always a flower that blooms beautifully from the remains". In other words, a bad thing might happen, but there is also a good thing that can come from it. :) Her situation and words have really stuck with me.
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  • I miss the 'like' button. :(
  • Ur stories made me sad. I'm sorry to hear that you went through that.
  • @shaakamrs32 you are so strong ugh I just wanna hold u tight lol a child is a blessinh and the closest thing to God I was molested during my chikd hood I coped with everything on my own im much stronger but bless u and ur baby boy I love the name btw my first born name is jhalil
  • Reading this makes me cry im so sorry to hear that hun. Ur really are a strong person I hope u and ur baby are okay. Keep it up. God bless u.
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  • @shaakamrs32 and others that share in this experience... Your wealth is truly worth more than gold and your future blessings will be infinite. Bless up.
  • Im sooo sorry what you went through you have me crying here because I know what that is like I have been taken advantage of a few years back i was drugged though because I passed out and I remember I was in the car. I really hope that everything goes well for you and your baby may godbless you and may god always be with you :) xoxoxox
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  • I agree with everyone on here- you are an amazing person with a huge heart & I hope God blesses you in every way possible. The world should have more people like you! I know whoever did this you you will get his in the end, and your life will be filled with the endless love of a beautiful baby. All the love & hugs in the world! <3
  • My cousin was raped at a party and got pregnant the family told her to abort the baby but in her eyes the baby did nothing wrong to deserve not have the right not to live and I agreed with her and was behind her 100%
  • This is really sad I can't even imagine. You are a very strong woman and will be a great mother. Make sure to let us know when you have him.
  • My best friend has a 18 month old that is the product of rape. She is one of the biggest miracles in our life and we are blessed to have her. Just remember it's not your baby's fault. I'm sorry this happened to you. You are so strong! I honestly don't kow if I could make the same decision even knowing that some good would come of it.
  • I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that I personally understand ... I just turned 18 & was 7 months pregnant with my baby boy. I was walking home from a friends house and 2 guys beat me & threw me in their car. 1 man took advantage of me while the other held me down & watched. They threw me out a mile away from my house & I walked home hysterical & my mom took me to the ER. I spent the night at the hospital being observed cuz my babys heartbeat was unstable. But the next day everything was fine & the police questioned me & let me go home. They never found the guys & I will never forget my experience & I feel sorry for anyone who has had to deal with something this traumatic...
  • Its amazingly devistating that we have gone through such similar tragedies.. but I have to say I feel empowered by all your strenghts!! I commented in a earlier post that my babys dad raped me while I was 13 weeks pregnant with his child. He ripped my pants down and shoved his hand inside of me saying, "I will kill you if any one else was in here" he continued to hold me down and have his way. He left me laying there naked and crying as he walked out he siad, "I meant what I said." Two weeks later he gave the girl he had been cheating on me with a diamond ring. Him and I were engaged when he was cheating and for the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy. I have been suffering so bad with all the memeories of our relationship and all the lies and nights I spent alone waiting while he was with her. What makes this all worse and I can't belive I'm telling anybody this but he gave me an STD and lied about having it now he's passing it on to this new girl who is also a mother of two boys. As terrible as this sounds I don't really feel bad for her I think that's what you get when you have an afair with an engaged and expecting man.. but my heart does go out to her two little boys and all the damange my ex is gonna do to their lives. Aside from my bitter heart aches and continuous feeling of disappointment I never once had the thought of aborting my child! She is all the only good to come of my devistations. After reading all of your comments and how we all came together for eachother I don't feel like a victim I feel like we are the heros.
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