is it ok to mix the two together?

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
Can I mix my breast milk with powdered formula? I'm making a bit of milk but he's still hungry so we have to supplement a bit of formula. But I'd like to give him as much breast milk as I can and I don't want to waste the lil bit I can pump. On a good note I fed him last night then pumped and I got 3oz total from both breasts...he was only 3 days old! Yay for breastfeeding...I thought it was going to be much harder! He just needs more than I can make :(
@homebirthadvocate do u know if its safe to combine the two?


  • it sure is ok.
    if baby takes straight from breast you will not only make what he needs, but also you produce more milk. babies take more than the pump does. but congrats! that's great!
  • Its just fine :) Your breasts will catch up in time, just dont give up :)
  • Awesome! I always put him to the breast 1st then pump after he's done. The thing is he still gets fussy and doesn't want to eat more from me or he's wide awake wanting more every hour! At that rate he'd be on my boobs all day long lol. And between dishes, laundry, dirty diapers and pp after care I need to do its impossible lol. Plus I think he gets lazy about sucking cuz he actually has to work for my milk lol. And I can't gague how much he eats from bf him. But he's 4 days old and sucks down 4oz ever 3-4hrs and I know I'm not producing that much yet. @survivormommie3
  • @usafwife_21 oh I'm not giving up! I love the bonding we get. He latches on and holds on to my chest and looks in my eyes. It's just amazing that I'm making the food to help him survive :) I know ill catch up he's just got a big appetite lol.
  • Yes its fine, babies in nicu are put on mixed for low weight ect.. it adds a lot of extra calories though
  • @Bahamamama4828 ya I wanna exclusively bf when I get enough. And he's more spitty with formula than with bm. My hubby says he doesn't like giving him formula cuz its making him bulimic lol.
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  • @ashleyfew ya I've been giving him what I pump after he's had enough of the breast. And he's a total cluster feeder. Once he's done tho he does pass out for a few hrs it just takes him awhile lol. And I'm gonna stick with it. At least I can stay at home and just leave him latched on to my boob lol. I feel like 1 big milk machine tho.
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